2017年6月7日 星期三

We calculate the inborn and acquired Fate Data! 我們計算先天的及後天的命運資料!

We calculate the inborn and acquired Fate Data!

Historical Record #5 Marilyn Monroe 瑪麗蓮夢露
Date of Birth 出生日期: 1926/06/01

Date of Marriage 結婚日期: 1942/06/19
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 390.6

Date of Marriage 結婚日期: 1954/01/14
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 382.2

Date of Marriage 結婚日期: 1956/06/29
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 25.2

Date of being fired and sued for US$750,000 in damages by Fox 被二十世紀福斯解僱並被訴要求違約賠償美金75萬元日期: 1962/06/07
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Date of Death 死亡日期: 1962/08/05
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Historical Record #6 Ronald Reagan 隆納雷根
Date of Birth 出生日期: 1911/02/06

Date of Marriage 結婚日期: 1940/01/26
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 169.4

Date of Marriage 結婚日期: 1952/03/04
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 98

Date as the Governor of California 就任加州州長職務日期: 1967/01/02
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 98

Date as the President of the United States 就任美國總統職務日期: 1981/01/20
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 224

Date of Assassination 遇刺殺日期: 1981/03/30
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Date of Death 死亡日期: 2004/06/05
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

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