2017年6月8日 星期四

Fate Data Calculation is a Universal Science! 命運資料之計算是一門宇宙科學! http://myfatedata.com

Fate Data Calculation is a Universal Science!

Orion Technology on FUTURE science
Orion 未來科技
Even the Spooky Action at a Universal distance of Einstein is full 4,000 years behind us!

Historical Record #7 Mao Zedong 毛澤東
Date of Birth 出生日期: 1893/12/26

Date of Death of second Wife 第二任妻子死亡日期: 1930/11/14
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Date as the Chairman of the Central Politburo of the Communist Party of China 就任中國共產黨中央主席職務日期: 1943/03/20
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 98

Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 98

Date as the Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission 就任中國共產黨中央軍事委員會主席職務日期: 1945/08/23
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 186.2

Date as the Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission 就任中國共產黨中央軍事委員會主席職務日期: 1954/09/08
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 98

Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 511

Date of Death 死亡日期: 1976/09/09
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Historical Record #8 Jean Simmons 珍西蒙絲
Date of Birth 出生日期: 1929/01/31

Date of first Marriage 第一次結婚日期: 1950/12/20
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 187.6

Date of second Marriage 第二次結婚日期: 1960/11/01
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 236.6

Date of Death 死亡日期: 2010/01/22
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Orion Technology on FUTURE science

World Leading Computerized Future Prediction System
Prediction on ANY DAY after the birthday


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