2017年6月1日 星期四

Are THEY and YOU just the STARS in the vast UNIVERSE? 他們與你是否只是廣大宇宙中的星星呢?

Are THEY and YOU just the STARS in the vast UNIVERSE?

Historical Record #1 Adolf Hitler 阿道夫·希特勒
Date of Birth 出生日期: 1889/04/20

Date of 5-Year-in-Jail Sentence 被判刑入獄五年日期: 1924/04/01
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Date of Prison 入獄日期: 1924/05/04
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Date as Chancellor of Germany 成為德國總理日期: 1933/01/30
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 102.2

Date of Escape from Assassination 逃脫刺殺日期: 1939/11/08
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 91

Date of Escape from Assassination 逃脫刺殺日期: 1944/07/20
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 243.6

Date of Death 死亡日期: 1945/04/30
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

Historical Record #2 John F. Kennedy 約翰·甘迺迪
Date of Birth 出生日期: 1917/05/29

Date of Marriage 結婚日期: 1953/09/12
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 117.6

Date as President of the United States 成為美國總統日期: 1961/01/20
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 39.2

Date of Death and Assassination 被暗殺死亡日期: 1963/11/22
Day Fortune Scores by http://myfatedata.com 當天財運分數: 0

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