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2015年9月3日 星期四
Very Important New Paleontology Discovery in the Birth of a Baby Dinosaur 恐龍寶寶誕生的最新古生物化石學重大發現
Very Important New Paleontology Discovery in the Birth of a Baby Dinosaur
Giant dinosaurs running on land or living in the sea should be viviparous, not ovoviviparous!
在陸上奔跑及海中生活的巨大恐龍應是胎生, 並非是卵生!
At the present time everybody believes that dinosaur is ovoviviparous. In 1859, the first scientifically documented dinosaur egg fossils were discovered in France by Jean-Jacques Poech. The first scientifically recognized dinosaur egg fossils were discovered in 1923 by an American Museum of Natural History crew in Mongolia. Nevertheless this ovoviviparous birth theory of all dinosaurs has left several questions:
目前大家都認為恐龍是卵生的. 科學文獻上記載於1859年 Jean-Jacques Poech 首先在法國發現了恐龍蛋化石. 於1923年一位美國自然歷史博物館的成員在蒙古亦首先發現了最先以科學承認之恐龍蛋化石. 但是這種所有恐龍都是卵生的理論仍然留下一些疑問:
(1) Giant mammals living in the sea are risky to be ovoviviparous and have to be viviparous as whales or certain sharks in order to avoid the natural dangers on shallow shoal and beach for the place of egg-birth. Giant dinosaurs living in the sea should have been so!
海中生活的巨大哺乳類如鯨魚或某些鯊類若是卵生將有風險, 因此必須是胎生以避開天然危險之卵生處所淺灘或沙灘. 海中生活的巨大恐龍也應是如此.
(2) Ovoviviparous birds and fowls can still fly smoothly with many eggs carried in female ovaries and ovoviviparous reptiles can also creep slowly with many eggs carried in female ovaries. It’s quite risky for them to run fast on uneven ground with many carried eggs pushed each other in female ovaries. Therefore it’s very common for a female mammal to have only one embryo in her womb to avoid dangerous pushing movement at the right position of a fetus. Giant dinosaurs living on land should have been the same and have to be viviparous! Giant female dinosaur could not have been carrying many fragile eggs in her ovaries for dangerous and fast running on land to survive from the fatal hunting of a meat-eating dinosaur.
卵生鳥禽類若攜帶許多蛋於母性卵巢內仍能平穩地飛行. 卵生爬蟲類若攜帶許多蛋於母性卵巢內亦能緩慢地爬行. 她們如果在高低不平的地面上於母性卵巢內攜帶許多互相擠壓的蛋卻快速奔跑是有風險的. 因此母性哺乳類在子宮內只有一個胚胎是非常普遍的, 以避免幼兒胎位的危險推擠移位動作. 陸上生活的巨大恐龍也應是如此且必須是胎生! 巨大母恐龍不可能於她的卵巢內攜帶許多易碎的蛋卻危險而快速地在陸上奔跑求生以避免肉食恐龍的致命獵捕.
(3) The shape of a newly discovered well-preserved White Calcified Dinosaur Embryo Fossil in the volcanic rock has proved that giant dinosaurs living on land should have been viviparous! It’s not oval from an egg. It’s an embryo from a female dinosaur womb.
最新發現保存良好的火山岩中白色鈣化恐龍胚胎化石的形狀證明陸上生活的巨大恐龍也應是胎生! 它不是卵形出於蛋中. 它是一個從母恐龍子宮內出生的胚胎.
White Calcified Dinosaur Eggs and Embryos together with Baby Fossil in the red volcanic rock and red lava rock at somewhere on Earth
Not for Sale (For Museum Exhibition Only)
(1) 地球某處火山岩中白色鈣化小恐龍化石 命名為 《我有牙齒》 A White Calcified Baby Dinosaur Fossil named 《I have teeth》 in the volcanic rock at somewhere on Earth
白色鈣化小恐龍化石 A White Calcified Baby Dinosaur Fossil︰
尺寸 Size: 高 H 7 x 長 L 53 x 厚 Depth 12 公分 cm
此小恐龍之四腳成逃命奔跑姿態, 應是先由火山爆發時所產生高達攝氏300度的高溫火山灰所瞬間覆蓋, 使其皮膚碳化如義大利龐貝古城內維蘇威火山大噴發當時約20具罹難者軀體, 再經由數千萬年或是數億年的鈣化而成為白色軀體.
The unique baby dinosaur body fossil ever discovered in the world nowadays:
The four feet of this baby dinosaur were running for surviving from perils. It should have been suddenly covered by the volcanic ash at so high as 300 degrees centigrade thermometer from the volcanic eruption and its skin was carbonized as the 20 victim-citizen-bodies in Pompeii Italy during the great Mount Vesuvius volcanic eruption. It was further calcified after several ten or hundred millions years and became a white calcified body.
1. 此小恐龍軀體化石是最佳且唯一的抽取遠古 aDNA 基因的樣本, 可供研究遠古 aDNA 基因之存活率及衰退期. 而此正是從事研究遠古 aDNA 基因科學家及法醫病理學者專家長久以來所遭遇到遠古 aDNA 基因及其衰退期的探索中心.
2. 以前所發現的恐龍軀體化石都僅只是沒肉, 沒皮, 沒外觀的骨骼及骨架. 牠們的外觀僅是科學想像, 且皮膚顏色亦是不明. 而此小恐龍軀體化石已經明確地展現出牠的外觀及白色皮膚. 此小恐龍是否與居住在北極圈的北極熊一樣地白色? 此小恐龍是否跑的與在赤道區域狩獵的花豹同樣地快? 此小恐龍異常巨大的牙齒是否讓牠成為地球上之無敵獵食者?
Subject case researches about ancient dinosaur:
1. This baby dinosaur body fossil is the best and unique sample to be extracted for its ancient DNA (aDNA) to study the questions of aDNA survival and rate of decay those have been central for a long time to scientists engaged in aDNA research, and also in forensic cases where old and degraded DNA is encountered.
2. All the dinosaur body fossils ever discovered before are just bones and skeletons without meat, skin, and their appearances. Their appearances are just scientific fictions with unknown skin colors. This baby dinosaur body fossil has given people a certain appearance with white skin color. Was this baby dinosaur as white as a polar bear living at the Arctic Circle? Was this baby dinosaur running as fast as leopard hunting at the area of celestial equator? Were its extraordinarily huge teeth making it to be an overwhelming hunter and meat-eater on earth?
The unique baby dinosaur body fossil ever discovered in the world nowadays has been reserved very well in the volcanic rock that has the natural effect of preserving body from decomposition and decay.
1. 已證明為製作動物或人體木乃伊的最佳礦石成份.
2. 最佳抗老防腐化妝品的礦石成份.
Subject case researches about the volcanic rock that has the natural effect of preserving body from decomposition and decay:
1. It is proven to be the best mineral components to mummy animal or human bodies.
2. It is the best mineral components for anti-age or anti-decay cosmetics.
(2) 地球某處火山岩中白色鈣化恐龍雙胞孿生胚胎化石 A White Calcified Dinosaur Fossil with Twin Embryos in the volcanic rock at somewhere on Earth
白色鈣化恐龍雙胞孿生胚胎化石 A White Calcified Dinosaur Fossil with Twin Embryos︰
尺寸 Size: 高 H 27.6 x 寬 W 22 x 厚 Depth 8 公分 cm
重量 Weight: 5,930 公克 gram
(3) 地球某處火山岩中白色鈣化恐龍胚胎化石 A White Calcified Dinosaur Embryo Fossil in the volcanic rock at somewhere on Earth
白色鈣化恐龍胚胎化石 A White Calcified Dinosaur Embryo Fossil︰
尺寸 Size: 高 H 18.5 x 寬 W 13 x 厚 Depth 8 公分 cm
重量 Weight: 1,845 公克 gram
(4) 地球某處火山岩中白色鈣化乳白色恐龍蛋化石 A Milk-white Calcified Dinosaur Egg Fossil in the volcanic rock at somewhere on Earth
乳白色恐龍蛋化石 A Milk-white Dinosaur Egg Fossil︰
尺寸 Size: 高 H 13 x 圓徑 Diameter 13 - 15 公分 cm
重量 Weight: 3,517 公克 gram
(5) 地球某處灰色恐龍蛋化石 A Grey Dinosaur Egg Fossil at somewhere on Earth
灰色恐龍蛋化石 A Grey Dinosaur Egg Fossil︰
尺寸 Size: 高 H 12 x 圓徑 Diameter 7.5 - 9 公分 cm
重量 Weight: 1,753 公克 gram
The Art News in Taipei city of Taiwan 臺灣臺北市的藝術新聞
臺灣臺北市《真相達文西特展》除展示達文西親筆真跡,亦展出義大利54幅受達文西畫風影響的經典畫作,總價值超過百億元名畫中,保羅.波爾波拉(Paolo Porpora)大師的名畫《花》,2015/8/23日遭到一位摔跤12歲男童弄出了一個拳頭大小的破洞。
《The FACE of LEONARDO Exhibition》 held in Taipei Taiwan exhibits the painting of Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci and the other 54 pieces of classical paintings that were influenced by his style with total value at US several hundreds of million dollars. Among these exhibits painting 《Flower》 by Paolo Porpora was smashed in a fist-hole by a twelve years old fallen-down boy on Aug. 23rd, 2015.
The Art Market in Taipei city of Taiwan
The metropolitan area of Taipei City has a population of 7,028,583 people ranking the 40th most-populous urban area in the world.
As of 2007, the metro region of Taipei has a nominal GDP of around US$260 billion, a record that would rank it 13th among world cities by GDP. Taiwan is now a creditor economy, holding one of the world's largest foreign exchange reserves of over US$403 billion as of December 2012.
The National Palace Museum in Taipei is a great art museum built around a permanent collection centered on ancient Chinese artifacts. It should not be confused with the Palace Museum in Beijing; both institutions trace their origins to the same Forbidden City in Beijing where the Palace of Emperor is located and stored with million pieces of valuable collections by the consecutive Emperors of Qing dynasty. The collections were divided in the 1940s as a result of the Chinese Civil War. The National Palace Museum in Taipei now boasts of a truly international collection while housing one of the world's largest collections of artifacts from ancient China.
Along with the cultural education and influence from the nearby National Palace Museum in Taipei, hiking prices and excellent investment returns of art have aroused huge interests of the citizens in Taipei who have been used to be living in a house costs commonly from US$ 1 million to 3 million or so for decades. The art is expensive; but the house is much more expensive than the art.
There are over 1,000 shops dealing art business in Taipei and some of them are opened only on Saturdays and Sundays for just two working days per week. Few buyers in Taipei are buying their art collections from international auctioneers and ranking among the top 500 collectors in the world. Most of local citizen-buyers in Taipei are just like million-of-ants and purchase their art goods from local shops and private sellers at millions of dollars by thousands of transactions per day. So the art goods are generally shipped to Taipei from China and worldwide area by containers to meet the art market demand in Taipei.
Good paintings and works of art will be sold by themselves once they are exhibited to right buyers at right place. They are not to be sold if they are always stored in a closed warehouse without any exhibition or just exhibited to wrong eyes at wrong venue.
Taiwan Web Museum
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歡迎辨識您的中國書畫及藝術品! 我們的協助是免費的!
Mr. Orion Hsu & Brothers (徐氏兄弟珍藏文物)
Private Museum preparatory office
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哈囉! 邀請您美麗的藝術作品歡迎加入臉書公共社群 "藝術精品展售" 以便向全世界的買家免費展示.
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