2015年8月21日 星期五

Hello! Your beautiful works of art are invited to join a public Facebook group "Fine Art to Sell" to exhibit freely fine art for sale to buyers worldwide 哈囉! 邀請您美麗的藝術作品歡迎加入臉書公共社群 "藝術精品展售" 以便向全世界的買家免費展示

Hello! Your beautiful works of art are invited to join a public Facebook group "Fine Art to Sell" to exhibit freely fine art for sale to buyers worldwide


哈囉! 邀請您美麗的藝術作品歡迎加入臉書公共社群 "藝術精品展售" 以便向全世界的買家免費展示.


The Art Market in Taipei city of Taiwan

The metropolitan area of Taipei City has a population of 7,028,583 people ranking the 40th most-populous urban area in the world.

As of 2007, the metro region of Taipei has a nominal GDP of around US$260 billion, a record that would rank it 13th among world cities by GDP. Taiwan is now a creditor economy, holding one of the world's largest foreign exchange reserves of over US$403 billion as of December 2012.

The National Palace Museum in Taipei is a great art museum built around a permanent collection centered on ancient Chinese artifacts. It should not be confused with the Palace Museum in Beijing; both institutions trace their origins to the same Forbidden City in Beijing where the Palace of Emperor is located and stored with million pieces of valuable collections by the consecutive Emperors of Qing dynasty. The collections were divided in the 1940s as a result of the Chinese Civil War. The National Palace Museum in Taipei now boasts of a truly international collection while housing one of the world's largest collections of artifacts from ancient China.

Along with the cultural education and influence from the nearby National Palace Museum in Taipei, hiking prices and excellent investment returns of art have aroused huge interests of the citizens in Taipei who have been used to be living in a house costs commonly from US$ 1 million to 3 million or so for decades. The art is expensive; but the house is much more expensive than the art.

There are over 1,000 shops dealing art business in Taipei and some of them are opened only on Saturdays and Sundays for just two working days per week. Few buyers in Taipei are buying their art collections from international auctioneers and ranking among the top 500 collectors in the world. Most of local citizen-buyers in Taipei are just like million-of-ants and purchase their art goods from local shops and private sellers at millions of dollars by thousands of transactions per day. So the art goods are generally shipped to Taipei from China and worldwide area by containers to meet the art market demand in Taipei.

Good paintings and works of art will be sold by themselves once they are exhibited to right buyers at right place. They are not to be sold if they are always stored in a closed warehouse without any exhibition or just exhibited to wrong eyes at wrong venue.

Top 155 Chinese artists among the Top 500 artists by world auction revenue in 2014

共155名中國畫家占前500名畫家之31 %
Total 155 Chinese artists / 500 artists = 31 %

假如你是西方油畫的收藏家,扣除 31 % 的中國畫家,再扣除 20 % 左右的中國瓷器、青銅器、珠寶玉器、漆器雜項類中國作家,2014年你只是在世界作者市場 49 % 以內經營藝術品而已;可能再過10年,你將成為只是在世界作者市場 30 % 以內經營。

If you are a collector of western oil paintings, deducting 31 % for Chinese artists of paintings and further deducting 20% for Chinese artists of ceramics、bronze、jades and jewelry、lacquer and miscellaneous works of art, in 2014 you are only operating works of art within 49% of the world artists market. Maybe after 10 years, you might become operating works of art within 30% of the world artists market.

列名   作者姓名 拍賣總收入(美金)     拍賣件數    最高落槌價(美金)
Rank   Artist     Auction Turnover ($)   Sold Lots     Top Hammer Price ($)

Page 84 (14 Chinese artists) 第84頁14位中國畫家

列名 作者姓名                                               拍賣總收入(美金)  拍賣件數    最高落槌價(美金)
Rank Artist                                                        Auction Turnover ($)  Sold Lots  Top Hammer Price ($)

7    QI Baishi (1864-1957) 齊白石                  206,245,348      719          7,861,850
9    ZHANG Daqian (1899-1983) 張大千      193,242,992      817          7,476,199
13   ZAO Wou-ki (1921-2013) 趙無極          115,686,349     575          7,161,650
16   FU Baoshi (1904-1965) 傅抱石               103,465,331     142          4,944,050
17   XU Beihong (1895-1953) 徐悲鴻            102,449,141     219          6,532,000
19   HUANG Zhou (1925-1997) 黃冑             96,461,998      625          5,506,020
20   HUANG Binhong (1865-1955) 黃賓虹   88,082,380      303          8,839,900
26   WU Changshuo (1844-1927) 吳昌碩       80,942,833      560          5,463,850
31   LU Yanshao (1909-1993) 陸儼少            66,350,196      443           1,925,760
32   LI Keran (1907-1989) 李可染                  65,946,710      207           7,294,500
37   CHU Teh-Chun (1920-2014) 朱德群      60,897,598      241           3,800,000
38   WU Guanzhong (1919-2010) 吳冠中      60,623,435      153           2,967,000
42   LIN Fengmian (1900-1991) 林風眠        54,514,729      253           2,449,500
50 ZENG Fanzhi (1964)曾梵志     43,080,328   50    3,606,400

Page 85 (17 Chinese artists) 第85頁17位中國畫家

53   PU Ru (1896-1963) 溥儒(溥心畬)       41,246,692    1,042           838,500
55   XIE Zhiliu (1910-1997) 謝稚柳        39,960,699     355          2,367,850
58   WU Hufan (1894-1968) 吳湖帆          37,900,898     320          3,412,500
59   WANG Duo (1592-1652) 王鐸            37,871,423      70          3,013,650
62   PAN Tianshou (1897-1971) 潘天壽      34,790,957      88          3,600,840
67   ZHU Da (1626-1705) 朱耷(八大山人)     32,277,125     38          6,190,200
71   SAN Yu (1901-1966) 常玉              30,027,262     41           9,151,899
75   ZHU Xinjian (1953-2014) 朱新建        28,619,279   1,202           898,150
78   QIANLONG Emperor (1711-1799) 乾隆皇帝 27,079,477     48          16,483,200
81   CHENG Shifa (1921-2007) 程十髮        25,987,069     486          1,959,600
83   QI Gong (1912-2005) 啟功              25,693,155     437           815,500
85   QIAN Songyan (1899-1985) 錢松喦       25,582,974     254          1,053,650
89   FAN Zeng (1938) 范曾                  23,416,615     237          2,941,200
93   YU Youren (1879-1964) 于右任          23,032,037      718           521,279
95   ZHOU Chunya (1955) 周春芽             21,226,785      65         1,134,700
96   WANG Hui (1632-1717) 王翬             21,050,636      58         4,569,600
98   ZHANG Xiaogang (1958) 張曉剛          20,783,341      44        10,698,699

Page 86 (18 Chinese artists) 第86頁18位中國畫家

103   LIU Wei (1965) 刘炜                  19,134,174      43         2,935,800
105   WANG Xuetao (1903-1982) 王雪濤       18,896,219     348          827,220
109   HUANG Yongyu (1924) 黄永玉           18,286,630     241          902,430
110   DONG Shouping (1904-1997) 董寿平     18,251,261     309          842,920
112   HE Haixia (1908-1998) 何海霞         17,310,468      144        3,266,000
114   CHEN Yifei (1946-2005) 陳逸飛        16,910,797       29        2,964,699
119   GUAN Liang (1900-1986) 關良          16,014,062      239        2,197,800
120   REN Yi (1840-1896) 任頤(任伯年)       15,959,015      167        1,199,520
128   DONG Qichang (1555-1636) 董其昌       14,722,727      123        2,769,300
130   WEN Zhengming (1470-1559) 文徵明      14,576,419       79       1,633,000
131   YU Fei'an (1888-1959) 于非闇          14,505,161      109         972,600
135   ZHENG Banqiao (1693-1765) 鄭板橋      14,208,977       76       2,200,000
136   LIU Dawei (1945) 刘大为               14,023,225      121       1,621,000
138   LI Kuchan (1899-1983) 李苦禪          13,918,988      276        786,240
139   LIN Sanzhi (1898-1989) 林散之         13,856,855      350        907,760
141   LUO Zhongli (1948) 羅中立             13,483,611       53       6,159,800
148   HONG Yi (1880-1942) 弘一(李叔同)      12,755,950       85       1,306,400
149   LIU Xiaodong (1963) 劉小東            12,589,594       15       7,470,400

Page 87 (19 Chinese artists) 第87頁19位中國畫家

152   LAI Shaoqi (1915-2000) 赖少其          12,209,093      144      5,538,600
153   CHEN Peiqiu (1922/23) 陈佩秋           12,101,206      194      1,040,000
157   YI Bingshou (1754-1815) 伊秉绶         11,964,497       55      3,242,000
161   LIU Haisu (1896-1994) 劉海粟           11,536,281      138      1,877,950
166   YANG Yan (1958) 楊彥                   11,191,811       57     10,784,400
167   TANG Yun (1910-1993) 唐雲              11,031,461      493        293,940
172   FANG Lijun (1963) 方力均               10,814,787       30      6,697,600
178   TANG Yin (1470-1523) 唐寅(唐伯虎)      10,514,886       33      4,956,250
180   GUAN Shanyue (1912-2000) 關山月        10,378,961      119      2,850,750
182   LIU Guosong (1932) 劉國松              10,204,764       83      1,804,599
184   CHEN Shaomei (1909-1954) 陳少梅        10,172,762        89      3,000,700
185   SHI Guoliang (1956) 史國良(釋慧禪)      10,111,795      116      1,588,580
186   HUANG Junbi (1898-1991) 黃君璧          10,051,378      313       319,410
188   FU Shan (1607-1684) 傅山                9,945,247        23     3,890,400
189   HE Jiaying (1957) 何家英                9,919,579       54       859,130
190   ZHOU Sicong (1939-1996) 周思聪          9,888,000      174     1,377,850
191   ZHU Ming (1938) 朱銘                    9,699,670       94     1,224,549
196   JIN Nong (1687-1763) 金農               9,367,369       48     1,732,040
200   LIU Danzhai (1931-2011) 刘旦宅          9,177,422      134     1,339,060

Page 88 (15 Chinese artists) 第88頁15位中國畫家

201   LI Xiongcai (1910-2001) 黎雄才          9,162,598       191      788,160
208   YA Ming (1924-2002) 亚明                8,916,735       251    1,172,160
215   BAI Xueshi (1915-2011) 白雪石           8,571,042       164      456,119
217   LEE Man Fong (1913-1988) 李曼峰         8,494,019       61     3,735,200
218   HONG Ren (1610-1663) 弘仁               8,467,043        5     7,542,300
221   FENG Zikai (1898-1975) 豐子愷           8,411,283       175      437,670
223   SONG Wenzhi (1919-1999) 宋文治          8,326,290       244      469,151
224   XU Lei (1963) 徐累                      8,312,432       26    2,606,400
225   WANG Yidong (1955) 王沂東               8,284,639       30     1,458,900
227   WANG Mingming (1952) 王明明             8,207,562       130      453,600
234   JIA Youfu (1942) 賈又福                 7,873,366       79     1,864,150
236   WU Zuoren (1908-1997) 吳作人            7,832,988       148      636,090
237   FAN Yang (1955) 范揚                    7,806,488        233     243,750
242   WANG Yuanqi (1642-1715) 王原祁          7,678,320        39    1,465,200
250   AI Xuan (1947) 艾轩                     7,467,339        43      749,800

Page 89 (12 Chinese artists) 第89頁12位中國畫家

258   PAN Yuliang (1895-1977) 潘玉良           7,179,153         11   3,870,351
262   ZHAO Zhiqian (1829-1884) 趙之謙          7,060,825         66   1,160,099
265   TIAN Liming (1955) 田黎明                6,999,979         95    315,900
266   EMPEROR KANGXI (1654-1722) 康熙皇帝      6,937,669         14   3,258,000
268   SHI Lu (1919-1982) 石魯                  6,852,847         49   1,021,230
271   TIAN Shiguang (1916-1999) 田世光         6,803,606         123    781,920
276   CHOU Ying (1493-1560) 仇英               6,632,784         50    1,823,360
279   DING Yanyong (1902-1978) 丁衍庸          6,584,807         181     592,939
291   GUO Moruo (1892-1978) 郭沫若             6,218,480         61    1,102,280
294   XU Bing (1955) 徐冰                      6,130,422         30    1,167,120
297   SHEN Zhou (1427-1509) 沈周               6,066,002         28    1,798,500
299   SHEN Yinmo (1883-1971) 沈尹默            6,003,213         185   1,218,750

Page 90 (14 Chinese artists) 第90頁14位中國畫家

303   YUE Minjun (1962) 岳敏君                 5,851,974        22     1,296,800
306   ZHAO Shao'Ang (1905-1998) 趙少昂         5,809,681        247      259,520
309   XUE Liang (1956) 薛亮                    5,717,377        95     1,103,640
316   CHEONG Soo Pieng (1917-1983) 钟泗滨      5,566,836        55       631,609
323   ZHANG Ruitu (1570-1641) 張瑞圖           5,495,433        30       761,870
328   CHEN Hongshou (1598-1652) 陳洪绶         5,458,659        20     1,945,200
329   REN Zhong (1976) 任重                    5,452,237        56       423,540
331   ZHU Qizhan (1892-1996) 朱屺瞻            5,417,335        209      260,000
332   ZHAO Puchu (1907-2000) 趙樸初            5,382,881        175      486,300
336   WANG Jian (1598-1677) 王鑒               5,309,438        23     3,811,700
339   YANG Shanshen (1913-2004) 楊善深         5,279,455        184    1,427,360
341   KANG Youwei (1858-1927) 康有為           5,199,080        113      324,200
343   GU Wenda (1955) 谷文達                   5,179,178         42    1,119,180
345   LIU Ye (1964) 劉野                       5,117,193         34      891,550

Page 91 (18 Chinese artists) 第91頁18位中國畫家

351   PU Guang (XIII -XIV) 溥光                4,944,050          1   4,944,050
352   HE Shaoji (1799-1873) 何绍基             4,912,933        136     747,500
355   LIU Jiyou (1918-1983) 劉繼卣             4,891,144         108    399,595
358   CHEN Dayu (1912-2001) 陳大羽             4,855,807         247    454,160
365   SHI Tao (1642-1707) 石濤                 4,796,775         27   2,269,400
368   ZHU Meicun (1911-1993) 朱梅邨            4,776,671         117    570,150
369   JIA Aili (1979) 贾蔼力                   4,758,253          8   1,262,240
370   XI Dejin (1923-1981) 席德進              4,740,558         89    227,080
373   SHEN Peng (1931) 沈鹏                    4,670,229        160    701,330
374   AI Weiwei (1957) 艾未未                  4,663,696         32    966,749
375   XU Lele (1955) 徐樂樂                    4,628,253        155    210,730
383   YE Qianyu (1907-1995) 葉淺予             4,530,685       118    356,620
389   ZHU Yunming (1460-1526) 祝允明           4,462,454        14   1,629,000
393   LI Jin (1958) 李津                       4,372,647        94    212,160
394   ZHAN Wang (1962) 展望                    4,360,124        13   2,709,000
395   FANG Chuxiong (1950) 方楚雄              4,355,333       148    262,080
397   LU Yushun (1962) 盧禹舜                  4,336,840        61    884,520
399   CHEN Wenxi (1906-1991) 陳文希            4,242,709        71   1,095,650

Page 92 (13 Chinese artists) 第92頁13位中國畫家

402   CHENG Conglin (1954) 程叢林               4,177,932        3   4,052,500
404   TAO Lengyue (1895-1985) 陶冷月            4,141,462      138     457,240
405   HE Duoling (1948) 何多苓                  4,131,489       12   1,419,000
409   LONG Rui (1946) 龍瑞                      4,047,039       66     956,980
416   LU Yifei (1908-1997) 陸抑非               3,995,369       121    791,293
425   ZHANG Shanzi (1882-1940) 張善孖           3,840,085       90     324,200
428   WANG Guangyi (1957) 王廣義                3,799,843       37   1,167,120
430   WEI Zixi (1915-2002) 魏紫熙               3,791,768       120    235,190
432   YUN Shouping (1633-1690) 惲壽平           3,784,559       78     541,800
437   PAN Gongkai (1947) 潘公凯                 3,737,332       16   2,141,040
443   SHA Menghai (1900-1992) 沙孟海            3,702,566      132    293,940
446   HUANG Shen (1687-c.1773) 黃慎             3,685,764       49    425,100
450   LIN Yong (1942) 林墉                      3,650,618      117    259,360

Page 93 (15 Chinese artists) 第93頁15位中國畫家

456   LIAO Chi-Chun (1902-1976) 廖繼春           3,625,280       9   1,252,033
461   LI Shan (1686-1760) 李鱓                   3,569,789       38    652,800
462   LAN Ying (1585-c.1664) 蓝瑛                3,562,896       42    438,210
464   YANG Zhiguang (1930) 楊之光                3,525,002      119    195,840
468   ZHANG Enli (1965) 张恩利                   3,497,596       12    708,949
471   YANG Feiyun (1954) 杨飞云                  3,467,338       14    734,400
472   ZHOU Jingxin (1959) 周京新                 3,445,045      113    519,040
475   JIANG Hanting (1904-1963) 江寒汀           3,408,711      125    300,625
476   WANG Ziwu (1936) 王子武                    3,404,947       51    653,200
478   LE PHO (1907-2001) 黎譜                    3,396,747       96    696,059
479   LIU Yi (1957) 刘溢                         3,370,316       20    615,980
481   NI Yuanlu (1593-1644) 倪元璐               3,350,382       10   1,100,000
492   CHIU Ya Tsai (1949-2013) 邱亞才            3,288,319       53    180,459
498   WEN Jia (1501-1583) 文嘉                   3,261,051      17   1,986,160
500   WU Dayu (1903-1988) 吴大羽                 3,248,689       9     772,800

資料來源: 法國 Artprice.com S.A. 2014 年全世界藝術市場報告書第 84-93 頁 2014 年全世界拍賣總收入結果前 500 名畫家.

Source: The Art Market in 2014 Page 84-93 Top 500 artists by auction revenue in 2014 by Artprice.com S.A.

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