2015年9月22日 星期二

The difference between the Art collectors in Taipei Taiwan and those elsewhere

The difference between the Art collectors in Taipei Taiwan and those elsewhere: 

(1) Some Art collectors in Taipei Taiwan are collecting works of art from the world containers by containers like the bites of sharks as the attached photos. Most of Art collectors elsewhere are collecting works of art piece by piece like turtle walking and most of you will never be on the waiting list!

(2) Some Art collectors in Taipei Taiwan are collecting works of art at a very low profile and never become a famous one listed in the world top 500 collectors. Most of Art collectors elsewhere are collecting works of art to become a famous one listed in the world top 500 collectors.

(3) Some Art collectors in Taipei Taiwan are collecting works of art directly from the source owing to authenticity! Most of Art collectors elsewhere are collecting works of art from international auctioneers owing to the authenticity by the auctioneers.

The required Preparation to sell your beautiful paintings and works of art into Taipei Taiwan

Once you have joined Facebook international public group “Fine Art to sell” and posted on the wall dashboard your sale post(s) to be listed in the “See all sale posts” column of this group, then it’s recommended that you begin to prepare the following procedures in order to sell your paintings and works of art for sale smoothly into Taipei Taiwan:

(1) Find a reliable delivery/mailing service that has door to door delivery/mailing service from your city to Taipei city of Taiwan, such as city post office…etc. Make sure the rate difference between “Framed” and “A roll of canvas without Frame” with the delivery/mailing service and prepare to advise the buyer to be in Taipei Taiwan.

Consignee in Taipei Taiwan: (Attorney of buyer)

Mr. Orion Hsu

c/o Mr. Michael Hsu
Attorney at Law licensed and registered in Taiwan
Head of Future Law Firm

Floor 12, No. 169, Section 4, Zhong-xiao East Road, Da-an District, Zip-code 10690, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886 - (0)2 - 27213625
Website: http://www.hf-taiwanlaw.com/

(2) The import custom duty rates for “Painting, drawing and pastels, executed entirely by hand” (international HS Code 9701 TLS 2014) into Taiwan are 0%, i.e. import duty free.

(3) Open a bank account at your bank in your city to receive foreign currency remittance from the buyer’s bank in Taipei Taiwan. The currency in Taiwan is New Taiwan Dollars (NTD). Make sure your bank account at what currency can receive foreign remittance from the bank in Taipei Taiwan. Prepare your bank account number, your bank account name, together with bank name, bank address, bank telephone number, Bank Swift Code/ABA Number/Sort Code/IBAN Number for foreign currency remittance in order to advise the buyer to be in Taipei Taiwan. This is the only way for you to collect your selling price at your currency from the buyer in Taipei Taiwan with different currency exchange via international banking system.

Summary of IBAN Implementations (Source: German COMMERZBANK office in Taipei Taiwan):
Format: Nation Name digits/length of IBAN numbers

Albania 28 Andorra 24 Austria 20 Republic of Azerbaijan 24 Bahrain 22 Belgium 16 Bosnia & Herzegovina 20 Bulgaria 22 Costa Rica 21 Croatia 21 Cyprus 28 Czech Republic 24 Denmark 18 Dominican Republic 28 Estonia 20 Faroe Islands 18 Finland 18 France 27 Georgia 22 Germany 22 Gibraltar 23 Greece 27 Greenland 18 Hungary 28 Iceland 26 Ireland 22 Israel 23 Italy 27 Kazakhstan 20 Kuwait 30 Latvia 21 Lebanon 28 Liechtenstein 21 Lithuania 20 Luxembourg 20 Macedonia 19 Malta 31 Mauritania 27 Mauritius 30 Republic of Moldova 24 Monaco 27 Montenegro 22 Netherlands 18 Norway 15 Poland 28 Portugal 25 Romania 24 San Marino 27 Saudi Arabia 24 Serbia 22 Slovak Republic 24 Slovenia 19 Spain 24 Sweden 24 Switzerland 21 Tunisia 24 Turkey 26 United Arab Emirates 23 United Kingdom 22 Virgin Islands, British 24

You have to check the digits/length of your IBAN numbers with the above nation list carefully lest your price cash collected from the buyer should be rejected by the international banking system outside the door of your bank and returned back to this cash-remitter buyer in Taipei Taiwan.

Once you have a bank account at your bank in your city, buyer can further indentify your account name with the name of the artist in order to assure that the subject cash-remittee to be the same person as the artist and the seller.

(4) Prepare an Authentication Certificate of the Artist (if you are the artist) for the buyer to be in Taipei Taiwan.

Without the above, you are not fully prepared to sell your beautiful paintings and works of art for sale into Taipei Taiwan yet!

"Fine Art to sell" Group Description:

This is a public group to exhibit freely fine art for sale to buyers worldwide.

Fine art will be sold by itself once they are exhibited to right buyers at right place. They are not to be sold if they are always stored in a closed warehouse without any exhibition or just exhibited to wrong eyes at wrong venue.

This group is aimed to publish an international “E-catalog of fine art for sale” via the combined traffics from the art favorite sites such as Facebook, Flickr, Google plus, Linkedin, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter, Blogger, Stage 32, Art-3000, Weibo,…etc. It will become the most convenient “Yellow Page” of fine art for sale in the world.

Every buyer can just to glance at the price list on the wall of the group and make decision after careful comparison and study upon the data.

It is strongly recommended that you post a sale post with picture of the art object for sale, price, location, size, artist name and the birth year, artist’s death year (if any); even if you have already a private website or a link. Being a professional buyer for decades together with other potential buyers in Taipei, Taiwan, we know a buying rule that just examine what it has on an E-catalog for the sake of efficiency.

To show the price in sales post is to demonstrate the positive WILLING for sale of the artist. This is quite different from EXHIBITION ONLY. People go to the selling market with BUYING INTENTION and MONEY for shopping; but people go to a museum exhibition with ticket money and no buying intention. They are only a large audience at an exhibition venue. They will not buy the paintings those are not for sale!

If you just post a non-sale post that will be very soon pushed down by other newly coming large database in a few days and lose eye-views from buyers on the wall. It will not be recorded in the easy index-queues of "See all sale posts" in this group.

For your own benefit, please click green button to "Sell Something", not to click "Start Discussion" and post a sale post of your best “FIGHTING and COMBATING works of art in the world art market”.

If you click "Start Discussion", then after clicking "POST" at the end, please remember to choose "not for selling" to be a non-sale post!

A sale post will be shown in “See all sale posts” of the group and easily be noticed by buyers! This is an international “Art Market” where buyers will have to come for shopping. Buyers always go to where a crowded selling market is located with lots of traffics.

We have discovered several NEW STARS OF PAINTINGS in this group. This doesn’t mean other painters in this group beside these NEW STARS are not good enough. They are all very good with the best quality of the paintings posted in the internet.

Multiple sale posts by an artist can enhance buying interests from a buyer in the paintings by this particular artist!

In just less than one month, we have had at least one thousand new members and over 300 valuable lots of beautiful paintings and works of art for sale all over the world! We have been newly created since end-July 2015, but we are confident of what we are going to sell and buy!

Mr. Orion Hsu & Brothers
Private Museum preparatory office
Taipei Taiwan


The Art News in Taipei city of Taiwan 臺灣臺北市的藝術新聞

臺灣臺北市《真相達文西特展》除展示達文西親筆真跡,亦展出義大利54幅受達文西畫風影響的經典畫作,總價值超過百億元名畫中,保羅.波爾波拉(Paolo Porpora)大師的名畫《花》,2015/8/23日遭到一位摔跤12歲男童弄出了一個拳頭大小的破洞。

《The FACE of LEONARDO Exhibition》 held in Taipei Taiwan exhibits the painting of Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci and the other 54 pieces of classical paintings that were influenced by his style with total value at US several hundreds of million dollars. Among these exhibits painting 《Flower》 by Paolo Porpora was smashed in a fist-hole by a twelve years old fallen-down boy on Aug. 23rd, 2015.

The Art Market in Taipei city of Taiwan

The metropolitan area of Taipei City has a population of 7,028,583 people ranking the 40th most-populous urban area in the world.

As of 2007, the metro region of Taipei has a nominal GDP of around US$260 billion, a record that would rank it 13th among world cities by GDP. Taiwan is now a creditor economy, holding one of the world's largest foreign exchange reserves of over US$403 billion as of December 2012.

The National Palace Museum in Taipei is a great art museum built around a permanent collection centered on ancient Chinese artifacts. It should not be confused with the Palace Museum in Beijing; both institutions trace their origins to the same Forbidden City in Beijing where the Palace of Emperor is located and stored with million pieces of valuable collections by the consecutive Emperors of Qing dynasty. The collections were divided in the 1940s as a result of the Chinese Civil War. The National Palace Museum in Taipei now boasts of a truly international collection while housing one of the world's largest collections of artifacts from ancient China.

Along with the cultural education and influence from the nearby National Palace Museum in Taipei, hiking prices and excellent investment returns of art have aroused huge interests of the citizens in Taipei who have been used to be living in a house costs commonly from US$ 1 million to 3 million or so for decades. The art is expensive; but the house is much more expensive than the art.

There are over 1,000 shops dealing art business in Taipei and some of them are opened only on Saturdays and Sundays for just two working days per week. Few buyers in Taipei are buying their art collections from international auctioneers and ranking among the top 500 collectors in the world. Most of local citizen-buyers in Taipei are just like million-of-ants and purchase their art goods from local shops and private sellers at millions of dollars by thousands of transactions per day. So the art goods are generally shipped to Taipei from China and worldwide area by containers to meet the art market demand in Taipei.

Good paintings and works of art will be sold by themselves once they are exhibited to right buyers at right place. They are not to be sold if they are always stored in a closed warehouse without any exhibition or just exhibited to wrong eyes at wrong venue.

2014 年世界拍賣總收入前 500 名畫家中之前 155 名中國畫家
Top 155 Chinese artists among the Top 500 artists by world auction revenue in 2014

共 155 名中國畫家占前 500 名畫家之 31 %
Total 155 Chinese artists / 500 artists = 31 %

假如你是西方油畫的收藏家,扣除 31 % 的中國畫家,再扣除 20 % 左右的中國瓷器、青銅器、珠寶玉器、漆器雜項類中國作家,2014年你只是在世界作者市場 49 % 以內經營藝術品而已;可能再過10年,你將成為只是在世界作者市場 30 % 以內經營。

If you are a collector of western oil paintings, deducting 31 % for Chinese artists of paintings and further deducting 20% for Chinese artists of ceramics、bronze、jades and jewelry、lacquer and miscellaneous works of art, in 2014 you are only operating works of art within 49% of the world artists market. Maybe after 10 years, you might become operating works of art within 30% of the world artists market.

列名   作者姓名 拍賣總收入(美金)     拍賣件數    最高落槌價(美金)
Rank   Artist     Auction Turnover ($)   Sold Lots     Top Hammer Price ($)

Page 84 (14 Chinese artists) 第84頁14位中國畫家

列名 作者姓名                        拍賣總收入(美金)    拍賣件數    最高落槌價(美金)
Rank Artist                          Auction Turnover($) Sold Lots  Top Hammer Price($)

7    QI Baishi (1864-1957) 齊白石        206,245,348      719           7,861,850
9    ZHANG Daqian (1899-1983) 張大千     193,242,992      817           7,476,199
13   ZAO Wou-ki (1921-2013) 趙無極       115,686,349      575           7,161,650
16   FU Baoshi (1904-1965) 傅抱石        103,465,331      142           4,944,050
17   XU Beihong (1895-1953) 徐悲鴻       102,449,141      219           6,532,000
19   HUANG Zhou (1925-1997) 黃冑          96,461,998      625           5,506,020
20   HUANG Binhong (1865-1955) 黃賓虹     88,082,380      303           8,839,900
26   WU Changshuo (1844-1927) 吳昌碩      80,942,833      560           5,463,850
31   LU Yanshao (1909-1993) 陸儼少        66,350,196      443           1,925,760
32   LI Keran (1907-1989) 李可染          65,946,710      207           7,294,500
37   CHU Teh-Chun (1920-2014) 朱德群      60,897,598      241           3,800,000
38   WU Guanzhong (1919-2010) 吳冠中      60,623,435      153           2,967,000
42   LIN Fengmian (1900-1991) 林風眠      54,514,729      253           2,449,500
50   ZENG Fanzhi (1964)曾梵志             43,080,328       50           3,606,400

Page 85 (17 Chinese artists) 第85頁17位中國畫家

53   PU Ru (1896-1963) 溥儒(溥心畬)       41,246,692    1,042             838,500
55   XIE Zhiliu (1910-1997) 謝稚柳        39,960,699      355           2,367,850
58   WU Hufan (1894-1968) 吳湖帆          37,900,898      320           3,412,500
59   WANG Duo (1592-1652) 王鐸            37,871,423       70           3,013,650
62   PAN Tianshou (1897-1971) 潘天壽      34,790,957       88           3,600,840
67   ZHU Da (1626-1705) 朱耷(八大山人)    32,277,125       38           6,190,200
71   SAN Yu (1901-1966) 常玉              30,027,262       41           9,151,899
75   ZHU Xinjian (1953-2014) 朱新建       28,619,279    1,202             898,150
78   QIANLONG Emperor (1711-1799) 乾隆皇帝 27,079,477      48          16,483,200
81   CHENG Shifa (1921-2007) 程十髮        25,987,069     486           1,959,600
83   QI Gong (1912-2005) 啟功              25,693,155     437             815,500
85   QIAN Songyan (1899-1985) 錢松喦       25,582,974     254           1,053,650
89   FAN Zeng (1938) 范曾                  23,416,615     237           2,941,200
93   YU Youren (1879-1964) 于右任          23,032,037     718             521,279
95   ZHOU Chunya (1955) 周春芽             21,226,785      65           1,134,700
96   WANG Hui (1632-1717) 王翬             21,050,636      58           4,569,600
98   ZHANG Xiaogang (1958) 張曉剛          20,783,341      44          10,698,699

Page 86 (18 Chinese artists) 第86頁18位中國畫家

103   LIU Wei (1965) 刘炜                  19,134,174      43           2,935,800
105   WANG Xuetao (1903-1982) 王雪濤       18,896,219     348             827,220
109   HUANG Yongyu (1924) 黄永玉           18,286,630     241             902,430
110   DONG Shouping (1904-1997) 董寿平     18,251,261     309             842,920
112   HE Haixia (1908-1998) 何海霞         17,310,468     144           3,266,000
114   CHEN Yifei (1946-2005) 陳逸飛        16,910,797      29           2,964,699
119   GUAN Liang (1900-1986) 關良          16,014,062     239           2,197,800
120   REN Yi (1840-1896) 任頤(任伯年)      15,959,015     167           1,199,520
128   DONG Qichang (1555-1636) 董其昌      14,722,727     123           2,769,300
130   WEN Zhengming (1470-1559) 文徵明     14,576,419      79           1,633,000
131   YU Fei'an (1888-1959) 于非闇         14,505,161     109             972,600
135   ZHENG Banqiao (1693-1765) 鄭板橋     14,208,977      76           2,200,000
136   LIU Dawei (1945) 刘大为              14,023,225     121           1,621,000
138   LI Kuchan (1899-1983) 李苦禪         13,918,988     276             786,240
139   LIN Sanzhi (1898-1989) 林散之        13,856,855     350             907,760
141   LUO Zhongli (1948) 羅中立            13,483,611      53           6,159,800
148   HONG Yi (1880-1942) 弘一(李叔同)     12,755,950      85           1,306,400
149   LIU Xiaodong (1963) 劉小東           12,589,594      15           7,470,400

Page 87 (19 Chinese artists) 第87頁19位中國畫家

152   LAI Shaoqi (1915-2000) 赖少其        12,209,093     144           5,538,600
153   CHEN Peiqiu (1922/23) 陈佩秋         12,101,206     194           1,040,000
157   YI Bingshou (1754-1815) 伊秉绶       11,964,497      55           3,242,000
161   LIU Haisu (1896-1994) 劉海粟         11,536,281     138           1,877,950
166   YANG Yan (1958) 楊彥                 11,191,811      57          10,784,400
167   TANG Yun (1910-1993) 唐雲            11,031,461     493             293,940
172   FANG Lijun (1963) 方力均             10,814,787      30           6,697,600
178   TANG Yin (1470-1523) 唐寅(唐伯虎)    10,514,886      33           4,956,250
180   GUAN Shanyue (1912-2000) 關山月      10,378,961     119           2,850,750
182   LIU Guosong (1932) 劉國松            10,204,764      83           1,804,599
184   CHEN Shaomei (1909-1954) 陳少梅      10,172,762      89           3,000,700
185   SHI Guoliang (1956) 史國良(釋慧禪)   10,111,795     116           1,588,580
186   HUANG Junbi (1898-1991) 黃君璧       10,051,378     313             319,410
188   FU Shan (1607-1684) 傅山              9,945,247      23           3,890,400
189   HE Jiaying (1957) 何家英              9,919,579      54             859,130
190   ZHOU Sicong (1939-1996) 周思聪        9,888,000     174           1,377,850
191   ZHU Ming (1938) 朱銘                  9,699,670      94           1,224,549
196   JIN Nong (1687-1763) 金農             9,367,369      48           1,732,040
200   LIU Danzhai (1931-2011) 刘旦宅        9,177,422     134           1,339,060

Page 88 (15 Chinese artists) 第88頁15位中國畫家

201   LI Xiongcai (1910-2001) 黎雄才         9,162,598     191            788,160
208   YA Ming (1924-2002) 亚明               8,916,735     251          1,172,160
215   BAI Xueshi (1915-2011) 白雪石          8,571,042     164            456,119
217   LEE Man Fong (1913-1988) 李曼峰        8,494,019      61          3,735,200
218   HONG Ren (1610-1663) 弘仁              8,467,043       5          7,542,300
221   FENG Zikai (1898-1975) 豐子愷          8,411,283     175            437,670
223   SONG Wenzhi (1919-1999) 宋文治         8,326,290     244            469,151
224   XU Lei (1963) 徐累                     8,312,432      26          2,606,400
225   WANG Yidong (1955) 王沂東              8,284,639      30          1,458,900
227   WANG Mingming (1952) 王明明            8,207,562     130            453,600
234   JIA Youfu (1942) 賈又福                7,873,366      79          1,864,150
236   WU Zuoren (1908-1997) 吳作人           7,832,988     148            636,090
237   FAN Yang (1955) 范揚                   7,806,488     233            243,750
242   WANG Yuanqi (1642-1715) 王原祁         7,678,320      39          1,465,200
250   AI Xuan (1947) 艾轩                    7,467,339      43            749,800

Page 89 (12 Chinese artists) 第89頁12位中國畫家

258   PAN Yuliang (1895-1977) 潘玉良         7,179,153      11          3,870,351
262   ZHAO Zhiqian (1829-1884) 趙之謙        7,060,825      66          1,160,099
265   TIAN Liming (1955) 田黎明              6,999,979      95            315,900
266   EMPEROR KANGXI (1654-1722) 康熙皇帝    6,937,669      14          3,258,000
268   SHI Lu (1919-1982) 石魯                6,852,847      49          1,021,230
271   TIAN Shiguang (1916-1999) 田世光       6,803,606     123            781,920
276   CHOU Ying (1493-1560) 仇英             6,632,784      50          1,823,360
279   DING Yanyong (1902-1978) 丁衍庸        6,584,807      181           592,939
291   GUO Moruo (1892-1978) 郭沫若           6,218,480       61         1,102,280
294   XU Bing (1955) 徐冰                    6,130,422       30         1,167,120
297   SHEN Zhou (1427-1509) 沈周             6,066,002       28         1,798,500
299   SHEN Yinmo (1883-1971) 沈尹默          6,003,213      185         1,218,750

Page 90 (14 Chinese artists) 第90頁14位中國畫家

303   YUE Minjun (1962) 岳敏君               5,851,974       22         1,296,800
306   ZHAO Shao'Ang (1905-1998) 趙少昂       5,809,681      247           259,520
309   XUE Liang (1956) 薛亮                  5,717,377       95         1,103,640
316   CHEONG Soo Pieng (1917-1983) 钟泗滨    5,566,836       55           631,609
323   ZHANG Ruitu (1570-1641) 張瑞圖         5,495,433       30           761,870
328   CHEN Hongshou (1598-1652) 陳洪绶       5,458,659       20         1,945,200
329   REN Zhong (1976) 任重                  5,452,237       56           423,540
331   ZHU Qizhan (1892-1996) 朱屺瞻          5,417,335      209           260,000
332   ZHAO Puchu (1907-2000) 趙樸初          5,382,881      175           486,300
336   WANG Jian (1598-1677) 王鑒             5,309,438       23         3,811,700
339   YANG Shanshen (1913-2004) 楊善深        5,279,455      184        1,427,360
341   KANG Youwei (1858-1927) 康有為          5,199,080      113          324,200
343   GU Wenda (1955) 谷文達                  5,179,178       42        1,119,180
345   LIU Ye (1964) 劉野                      5,117,193       34          891,550

Page 91 (18 Chinese artists) 第91頁18位中國畫家

351   PU Guang (XIII -XIV) 溥光               4,944,050        1        4,944,050
352   HE Shaoji (1799-1873) 何绍基            4,912,933      136          747,500
355   LIU Jiyou (1918-1983) 劉繼卣            4,891,144      108          399,595
358   CHEN Dayu (1912-2001) 陳大羽            4,855,807      247          454,160
365   SHI Tao (1642-1707) 石濤                4,796,775       27        2,269,400
368   ZHU Meicun (1911-1993) 朱梅邨           4,776,671      117          570,150
369   JIA Aili (1979) 贾蔼力                  4,758,253        8        1,262,240
370   XI Dejin (1923-1981) 席德進             4,740,558       89          227,080
373   SHEN Peng (1931) 沈鹏                   4,670,229      160          701,330
374   AI Weiwei (1957) 艾未未                 4,663,696       32          966,749
375   XU Lele (1955) 徐樂樂                   4,628,253      155          210,730
383   YE Qianyu (1907-1995) 葉淺予            4,530,685      118          356,620
389   ZHU Yunming (1460-1526) 祝允明          4,462,454       14        1,629,000
393   LI Jin (1958) 李津                      4,372,647       94          212,160
394   ZHAN Wang (1962) 展望                   4,360,124       13        2,709,000
395   FANG Chuxiong (1950) 方楚雄             4,355,333      148          262,080
397   LU Yushun (1962) 盧禹舜                 4,336,840       61          884,520
399   CHEN Wenxi (1906-1991) 陳文希           4,242,709       71        1,095,650

Page 92 (13 Chinese artists) 第92頁13位中國畫家

402   CHENG Conglin (1954) 程叢林             4,177,932        3        4,052,500
404   TAO Lengyue (1895-1985) 陶冷月          4,141,462      138          457,240
405   HE Duoling (1948) 何多苓                4,131,489       12        1,419,000
409   LONG Rui (1946) 龍瑞                    4,047,039       66          956,980
416   LU Yifei (1908-1997) 陸抑非             3,995,369      121          791,293
425   ZHANG Shanzi (1882-1940) 張善孖         3,840,085       90          324,200
428   WANG Guangyi (1957) 王廣義              3,799,843       37        1,167,120
430   WEI Zixi (1915-2002) 魏紫熙             3,791,768      120          235,190
432   YUN Shouping (1633-1690) 惲壽平         3,784,559       78          541,800
437   PAN Gongkai (1947) 潘公凯               3,737,332       16        2,141,040
443   SHA Menghai (1900-1992) 沙孟海          3,702,566      132          293,940
446   HUANG Shen (1687-c.1773) 黃慎           3,685,764       49          425,100
450   LIN Yong (1942) 林墉                    3,650,618      117          259,360

Page 93 (15 Chinese artists) 第93頁15位中國畫家

456   LIAO Chi-Chun (1902-1976) 廖繼春        3,625,280        9        1,252,033
461   LI Shan (1686-1760) 李鱓                3,569,789       38          652,800
462   LAN Ying (1585-c.1664) 蓝瑛             3,562,896       42          438,210
464   YANG Zhiguang (1930) 楊之光             3,525,002      119          195,840
468   ZHANG Enli (1965) 张恩利                3,497,596       12          708,949
471   YANG Feiyun (1954) 杨飞云               3,467,338       14          734,400
472   ZHOU Jingxin (1959) 周京新              3,445,045      113          519,040
475   JIANG Hanting (1904-1963) 江寒汀        3,408,711      125          300,625
476   WANG Ziwu (1936) 王子武                 3,404,947       51          653,200
478   LE PHO (1907-2001) 黎譜                 3,396,747       96          696,059
479   LIU Yi (1957) 刘溢                      3,370,316       20          615,980
481   NI Yuanlu (1593-1644) 倪元璐            3,350,382       10        1,100,000
492   CHIU Ya Tsai (1949-2013) 邱亞才         3,288,319       53          180,459
498   WEN Jia (1501-1583) 文嘉                3,261,051       17        1,986,160
500   WU Dayu (1903-1988) 吴大羽              3,248,689        9          772,800

資料來源: 法國 Artprice.com S.A. 2014 年全世界藝術市場報告書第 84-93 頁 2014 年全世界拍賣總收入結果前 500 名畫家.

Source: The Art Market in 2014 Page 84-93 Top 500 artists by auction revenue in 2014 by Artprice.com S.A.

Top 500 artists by world auction revenue in 2014

列名 作者姓名                                    拍賣總收入(美金)      拍賣件數      最高落槌價(美金)
Rank Artist                                     Auction Turnover($)  Sold Lots    Top Hammer Price($)

Page 84

1    WARHOL Andy (1928-1987)                     569,507,083     1,394    73,000,000
2    PICASSO Pablo (1881-1973)                   375,054,326     2,898    28,000,000
3    BACON Francis (1909-1992)                   270,748,102      122     72,000,000
4    RICHTER Gerhard (1932)                      254,353,142      258     28,711,740
5    ROTHKO Mark (1903-1970)                     249,188,072       16     59,000,000
6    MONET Claude (1840-1926)                    222,694,607       40     48,073,025
7    QI Baishi (1864-1957)                       206,245,348       719     7,861,850
8    GIACOMETTI Alberto (1901-1966)              205,473,704       147    90,000,000
9    ZHANG Daqian (1899-1983)                    193,242,992       817     7,476,199
10   KOONS Jeff (1955)                           149,686,183      104     30,000,000
11   BASQUIAT Jean-Michel (1960-1988)            148,998,739       71     31,000,000
12   TWOMBLY Cy (1928-2011)                      126,221,339       61     62,000,000
13   ZAO Wou-ki (1921-2013)                      115,686,349      575      7,161,650
14   LICHTENSTEIN Roy (1923-1997)                109,143,660      540     19,000,000
15   KOONING de Willem (1904-1997)               105,999,158       77     26,000,000
16   FU Baoshi (1904-1965)                       103,465,331      142      4,944,050
17   XU Beihong (1895-1953)                      102,449,141      219      6,532,000
18   MODIGLIANI Amedeo (1884-1920)                98,954,376       26      63,000,000
19   HUANG Zhou (1925-1997)                       96,461,998      625       5,506,020
20   HUANG Binhong (1865-1955)                    88,082,380      303       8,839,900
21   GOGH van Vincent (1853-1890)                 87,864,632       12      55,000,000
22   WOOL Christopher (1955)                      87,630,825       52      21,000,000
23   CHAGALL Marc (1887-1985)                     87,296,130     1,125      10,110,960
24   MIRO Joan (1893-1983)                        83,177,312     1,306      11,000,000
25   FONTANA Lucio (1899-1968)                    82,185,863      247       9,038,090
26   WU Changshuo (1844-1927)                     80,942,833      560       5,463,850
27   CALDER Alexander (1898-1976)                 78,764,837      354      23,000,000
28   MATISSE Henri (1869-1954)                    75,439,034      404      17,000,000
29   NEWMAN Barnett (1905-1970)                   75,039,000        3      75,000,000
30   MANET Edouard (1832-1883)                    68,522,429       39      58,000,000
31   LU Yanshao (1909-1993)                       66,350,196      443      1,925,760
32   LI Keran (1907-1989)                         65,946,710      207      7,294,500
33   DOIG Peter (1959)                            65,945,331       62     16,000,000
34   CUI Ruzhuo (1944)                            65,150,015       49     20,623,999
35   LEGER Fernand (1881-1955)                    65,038,926      216     17,526,600
36   RENOIR Pierre-Auguste (1841-1919)            64,799,084      270     10,000,000
37   CHU Teh-Chun (1920-2014)                     60,897,598      241      3,800,000
38   WU Guanzhong (1919-2010)                     60,623,435      153      2,967,000
39   KIPPENBERGER Martin (1953-1997)              59,801,054      64      20,000,000
40   O'KEEFFE Georgia (1887-1986)                 57,372,500      11      39,500,000
41   GRIS Juan (1887-1927)                        55,609,017      16      50,778,000
42   LIN Fengmian (1900-1991)                     54,514,729     253       2,449,500
43   PRINCE Richard (1949)                        53,904,826      76       7,500,000
44   MAGRITTE Rene (1898-1967)                    53,449,860     110      11,415,600
45   POLKE Sigmar (1941-2010)                     52,118,395     142       7,500,000
46   ROCKWELL Norman Perceval (1894-1978)         49,866,548      78      20,000,000
47   TURNER Joseph Mallord William (1775-1851)    47,501,117      25      42,379,200
48   PISSARRO Camille (1830-1903)                 47,181,620     126      28,539,000
49   RYMAN Robert (1930)                          45,055,015      22      13,250,000
50   ZENG Fanzhi (1964)                           43,080,328      50       3,606,400

Page 85

51   MONDRIAAN Piet (1872-1944)                   42,161,208       12     22,972,950
52   KANDINSKY Wassily (1866-1944)                41,815,792        88    15,200,000
53   PU Ru (1896-1963)                            41,246,692      1,042      838,500
54   RUSCHA Ed (1937)                             40,297,696       161    27,000,000
55   XIE Zhiliu (1910-1997)                       39,960,699       355     2,367,850
56   DIEBENKORN Richard (1922-1993)               39,797,050        54     9,000,000
57   KLEIN Yves (1928-1962)                       39,322,018        58    15,000,000
58   WU Hufan (1894-1968)                         37,900,898      320     3,412,500
59   WANG Duo (1592-1652)                         37,871,423       70      3,013,650
60   DUBUFFET Jean (1901-1985)                    36,738,561      136     6,500,000
61   JOHNS Jasper (1930)                          36,206,875      127    32,000,000
62   PAN Tianshou (1897-1971)                     34,790,957       88     3,600,840
63   KUSAMA Yayoi (1929)                          34,578,242      501     6,200,000
64   BRUEGHEL Pieter II (c.1564-1637/38)          33,927,798       17     8,312,415
65   LOWRY Laurence Stephen (1887-1976)           33,818,511      211     7,420,500
66   HARING Keith (1958-1990)                     32,957,932      334     4,200,000
67   ZHU Da (1626-1705)                           32,277,125       38     6,190,200
68   SHIRAGA Kazuo (1924-2008)                    31,741,241       59     4,629,100
69   CORNELL Joseph (1903-1972)                   30,709,300       61      6,800,000
70   CEZANNE Paul (1839-1906)                     30,651,134       51      5,277,130
71   SAN Yu (1901-1966)                           30,027,262       41      9,151,899
72   GUYTON Wade (1972)                           29,872,250       25      5,200,000
73   MANZONI Piero (1933-1963)                    29,409,569       20     17,934,560
74   FREUD Lucian (1922-2011)                     28,880,298       44     15,000,000
75   ZHU Xinjian (1953-2014)                      28,619,279    1,202       898,150
76   BRAQUE Georges (1882-1963)                   28,026,347      288      8,000,000
77   MOORE Henry (1898-1986)                      27,966,291      359      7,207,200
78   QIANLONG Emperor (1711-1799)                 27,079,477       48    16,483,200
79   RODIN Auguste (1840-1917)                    26,464,285      109     5,870,880
80   BOETTI Alighiero (1940-1994)                 26,293,943      102     3,344,040
81   CHENG Shifa (1921-2007)                      25,987,069      486     1,959,600
82   STAEL de Nicolas (1914-1955)                 25,840,977       27     5,037,550
83   QI Gong (1912-2005)                          25,693,155      437      815,500
84   KLINE Franz (1910-1962)                      25,601,059       13    23,500,000
85   QIAN Songyan (1899-1985)                     25,582,974      254     1,053,650
86   SCHWITTERS Kurt (1887-1948)                  25,317,879       25    21,108,520
87   VRIES de Adrien (c.1550-1626)                24,750,000        1    24,750,000
88   CASTELLANI Enrico (1930)                     24,636,292       70     5,284,290
89   FAN Zeng (1938)                              23,416,615      237     2,941,200
90   DALI Salvador (1904-1989)                    23,267,013    1,393     8,000,000
91   JUDD Donald (1928-1994)                      23,167,881       57     6,500,000
92   MITCHELL Joan (1926-1992)                    23,076,316       31    10,500,000
93   YU Youren (1879-1964)                        23,032,037      718       521,279
94   BURRI Alberto (1915-1995)                    22,881,307       60     6,726,870
95   ZHOU Chunya (1955)                           21,226,785       65     1,134,700
96   WANG Hui (1632-1717)                         21,050,636       58     4,569,600
97   DEGAS Edgar (1834-1917)                      20,879,178       91     4,500,000
98   ZHANG Xiaogang (1958)                        20,783,341       44    10,698,699
99   POLLOCK Jackson (1912-1956)                  20,757,940        7    10,000,000
100  STELLA Frank (1936)                          20,553,820      195     5,800,000

Page 86

101  BASELITZ Georg (1938)                        20,223,258       97     6,500,000
102  SOULAGES Pierre (1919)                       20,209,329      148    5,280,320
103  LIU Wei (1965)                               19,134,174       43    2,935,800
104  LEE Ufan (1936)                              18,997,111      112    1,800,000
105  WANG Xuetao (1903-1982)                      18,896,219      348     827,220
106  HIRST Damien (1965)                          18,867,447      243    1,534,320
107  SHERMAN Cindy (1954)                         18,797,388       87    5,900,000
108  BUFFET Bernard (1928-1999)                   18,416,157       598     664,610
109  HUANG Yongyu (1924)                          18,286,630       241     902,430
110  DONG Shouping (1904-1997)                    18,251,261      309      842,920
111  SEURAT Georges Pierre (1859-1891)            17,577,466       15    4,600,000
112  HE Haixia (1908-1998)                        17,310,468      144    3,266,000
113  BOTERO Fernando (1932)                       17,081,121       75    2,150,000
114  CHEN Yifei (1946-2005)                       16,910,797       29    2,964,699
115  KLEE Paul (1879-1940)                        16,684,585      100    1,531,530
116  SISLEY Alfred (1839-1899)                    16,579,413       18    4,200,000
117  BOURGEOIS Louise (1911-2010)                 16,556,213       61    6,200,000
118  PISTOLETTO Michelangelo (1933)               16,404,032      145    3,410,600
119  GUAN Liang (1900-1986)                       16,014,062      239    2,197,800
120  REN Yi (1840-1896)                           15,959,015     167     1,199,520
121  GUARDI Francesco (1712-1793)                 15,643,001       6    14,996,625
122  SCHIELE Egon (1890-1918)                     15,576,255      54     2,808,795
123  STILL Clyfford E. (1904-1980)                15,500,000       1    15,500,000
124  HEPWORTH Barbara (1903-1975)                 15,368,745      37    6,206,825
125  BRUEGHEL Jan I (1568-1625)                   15,013,005      12   10,276,800
126  STINGEL Rudolf (1956)                        14,946,970      26    1,800,000
127  FRANCIS Sam (1923-1994)                      14,904,001     296    4,200,000
128  DONG Qichang (1555-1636)                     14,722,727     123    2,769,300
129  GROTJAHN Mark (1968)                         14,712,838      21    5,250,000
130  WEN Zhengming (1470-1559)                    14,576,419      79    1,633,000
131  YU Fei'an (1888-1959)                        14,505,161     109      972,600
132  CHURCHILL Winston Spencer (1874-1965)        14,419,124      18    2,353,500
133  MORAN Thomas (1837-1926)                     14,399,150      18   11,000,000
134  GAUGUIN Paul (1848-1903)                     14,339,202      56    4,700,000
135  ZHENG Banqiao (1693-1765)                    14,208,977      76    2,200,000
136  LIU Dawei (1945)                             14,023,225     121    1,621,000
137  RAUSCHEN BERG Robert (1925-2008)             13,968,450     238    5,000,000
138  LI Kuchan (1899-1983)                        13,918,988      276     786,240
139  LIN Sanzhi (1898-1989)                       13,856,855      350     907,760
140  GNOLI Domenico (1933-1970)                   13,535,178      17   10,230,620
141  LUO Zhongli (1948)                           13,483,611      53    6,159,800
142  THIEBAUD Morton Wayne (1920)                 13,357,316      72   4,200,000
143  GIACOMETTI Diego (1902-1985)                 13,003,447      57   1,450,000
144  RUBENS Peter Paul (1577-1640)                12,906,007      10   4,796,120
145  SEROV Valentin A. (1865-1911)                12,842,840       1  12,842,840
146  FEININ GER Lyonel (1871-1956)                12,785,214     131   6,879,600
147  DONGEN van Kees (1877-1968)                  12,761,225     148   2,400,000
148  HONG Yi (1880-1942)                          12,755,950       85   1,306,400
149  LIU Xiaodong (1963)                          12,589,594       15   7,470,400
150  NARA Yoshitomo (1959)                        12,549,825      160   1,675,699

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151  STUBBS George (1724-1806)                    12,333,467       3   11,647,040
152  LAI Shaoqi (1915-2000)                       12,209,093      144   5,538,600
153  CHEN Peiqiu (1922/23)                        12,101,206      194   1,040,000
154  TAMAYO Rufino (1899-1991)                    12,070,887      197   3,600,000
155  SCHUTTE Thomas (1954)                        12,049,491      34    4,600,000
156  AVERY Milton Clark (1885-1965)               11,997,255      60    4,900,000
157  YI Bingshou (1754-1815)                      11,964,497      55    3,242,000
158  KIRCHNER Ernst Ludwig (1880-1938)            11,799,488     122    3,404,600
159  TANSEY Mark (1949)                           11,566,400       9    5,000,000
160  HODLER Ferdinand (1853-1918)                 11,547,315      43    4,590,360
161  LIU Haisu (1896-1994)                        11,536,281     138    1,877,950
162  UECKER Gunther (1930)                        11,506,894     256    1,433,145
163  BOROVIKOVSKI J Vladimir Lukic (1757-1825)    11,398,838       5    4,358,380
164  WARHOL & BASQUIAT Andy & Jean-Michel (XX)    11,380,000      3    10,000,000
165  BECKMANN Max (1884-1950)                     11,228,774     111    7,147,140
166  YANG Yan (1958)                              11,191,811      57   10,784,400
167  TANG Yun (1910-1993)                         11,031,461      493     293,940
168  BONNARD Pierre (1867-1947)                   11,015,681     130    1,700,000
169  SOUTINE Chaim (1894-1943)                    10,970,363       5    7,371,000
170  MARDEN Brice (1938)                          10,949,818       42   5,000,000
171  MARINI Marino (1901-1980)                    10,946,178      171   1,830,000
172  FANG Lijun (1963)                            10,814,787       30   6,697,600
173  KAPOOR Anish (1954)                          10,806,042       40   1,500,000
174  INDIANA Robert (1928)                        10,738,742      244   1,400,000
175  SIGNAC Paul (1863-1935)                      10,659,407      80    5,150,160
176  MARC Franz (1880-1916)                       10,588,147      21    9,362,650
177  JAWLENSKY von Alexej (1864-1941)             10,519,759      28    4,240,080
178  TANG Yin (1470-1523)                         10,514,886      33    4,956,250
179  DUFY Raoul (1877-1953)                       10,420,431     226    1,350,000
180  GUAN Shanyue (1912-2000)                     10,378,961     119    2,850,750
181  GOYA Y LUCIENTES de Francisco Jose (1746-1828) 10,273,943   223    2,609,280
182  LIU Guosong (1932)                           10,204,764     83    1,804,599
183  OCKNEY David (1937)                          10,186,082    319    2,500,000
184  CHEN Shaomei (1909-1954)                     10,172,762     89    3,000,700
185  SHI Guoliang (1956)                          10,111,795     116   1,588,580
186  HUANG Junbi (1898-1991)                      10,051,378     313     319,410
187  GUSTON Philip (1913-1980)                     9,967,505     19     4,800,000
188  FU Shan (1607-1684)                           9,945,247     23    3,890,400
189  HE Jiaying (1957)                             9,919,579     54      859,130
190  ZHOU Sicong (1939-1996)                       9,888,000    174    1,377,850
191  ZHU Ming (1938)                               9,699,670     94    1,224,549
192  BONALUMI Agostino (1935-2013)                 9,578,406     97     832,676
193  ERNST Max (1891-1976)                         9,521,400    219    1,191,610
194  LEMPICKA de Tamara (1898-1980)                9,473,443     29   3,488,485
195  VERMEER VAN DELFT Jan (1632-1675)             9,426,450      1   9,426,450
196  JIN Nong (1687-1763)                          9,367,369     48    1,732,040
197  MUNCH Edvard (1863-1944)                      9,348,818     99   2,000,000
198  CANAL Giovanni Antonio (1697-1768)            9,319,494     14   7,534,080
199  LOUIS Morris (1912-1962)                      9,281,800      8   2,492,400
200  LIU Danzhai (1931-2011)                       9,177,422    134   1,339,060

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201  LI Xiongcai (1910-2001)                       9,162,598    191     788,160
202  KIM Whan Ki (1913-1974)                       9,116,692    37      864,000
203  WHITELEY Brett (1939-1992)                    9,102,582    78    1,320,900
204  SEVERINI Gino (1883-1966)                     9,037,144    44    4,100,000
205  CHIRICO de Giorgio (1888-1978)                9,006,542   125    1,794,430
206  RAZA Sayed Haider (1922)                      8,976,994    63    2,625,000
207  GURSKY Andreas (1955)                         8,931,133    36    1,534,320
208  YA Ming (1924-2002)                           8,916,735   251    1,172,160
209  BRANCUSI Constantin (1876-1957)               8,886,425    22    7,500,000
210  CELMINS Vija (1939)                           8,881,028    29    2,900,000
211  AFFANDI (1907-1990)                           8,778,382    49     644,499
212  GOBER Robert (1954)                           8,749,350    16    3,600,000
213  CHAMBERLAIN John Angus (1927-2011)            8,712,479    32    1,800,000
214  AUERBACH Frank (1931)                         8,573,063    27   3,409,600
215  BAI Xueshi (1915-2011)                        8,571,042   164     456,119
216  RIMINIDA Giovanni (act.c.1292-c.1336)         8,564,000     1   8,564,000
217  LEE Man Fong (1913-1988)                      8,494,019    61   3,735,200
218  HONG Ren (1610-1663)                          8,467,043     5   7,542,300
219  REYNOLDS Joshua (1723-1792)                   8,456,960    12   7,198,380
220  KIEFER Anselm (1945)                          8,438,286    25   1,592,400
221  FENG Zikai (1898-1975)                        8,411,283   175     437,670
222  GORKY Arshile (1904-1948)                     8,337,010     7   7,800,000
223  SONG Wenzhi (1919-1999)                       8,326,290   244     469,151
224  XU Lei (1963)                                 8,312,432    26    2,606,400
225  WANG Yidong (1955)                            8,284,639   30     1,458,900
226  NOLDE Emil (1867-1956)                        8,251,745   115    2,042,040
227  WANG Mingming (1952)                          8,207,562   130      453,600
228  NICHOLSON Ben (1894-1982)                     8,174,477    58    3,060,900
229  FISCHER Urs (1973)                            8,170,339    13    3,000,000
230  LIGON Glenn (1960)                            8,120,573    24    3,400,000
231  CURRIN John (1962)                            8,013,896    10    4,000,000
232  WESSELMANN Tom (1931-2004)                    7,905,100   198      800,000
233  BRADFORD Mark (1961)                          7,893,871    15    2,000,000
234  JIA Youfu (1942)                              7,873,366    79    1,864,150
235  SOUZA Francis Newton (1924-2002)              7,837,898   222    1,400,000
236  WU Zuoren (1908-1997)                         7,832,988    148     636,090
237  FAN Yang (1955)                               7,806,488    233     243,750
238  BASSANO Jacopo da Ponte (1510/18-1592)        7,800,000     1    7,800,000
239  UTRILLO Maurice (1883-1955)                   7,780,990    142    544,160
240  BALTHUS (1908-2001)                           7,740,442    40   4,766,440
241  KELLY Ellsworth (1923)                        7,713,922    108   3,850,000
242  WANG Yuanqi (1642-1715)                       7,678,320    39   1,465,200
243  ROERICH Nicolaj Konstantinov (1874-1947)      7,676,780    17   2,179,190
244  HONTHORST van Gerrit (1590-1656)              7,657,315    6    6,600,000
245  AVERCAMP Hendrick (1585-1634)                 7,604,836    2    7,536,320
246  TING Walasse (1929-2010)                      7,589,503    244    440,640
247  RUSSELL Charles Marion (1864-1926)            7,568,150    35   1,700,000
248  SUDJOJONO Sindudarsono (1913/14-1985)         7,522,442    13   6,573,899
249  ROMNEY George (1734-1802)                     7,507,521    16   5,994,800
250  AI Xuan (1947)                                7,467,339    43     749,800

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251  BALDESSARI John (1931)                        7,457,780   67   2,100,000
252  TROCKEL Rosemarie (1952)                      7,454,112   35   4,300,000
253  HEDA Willem Claesz. (1594-1680/82)            7,421,107    2   7,284,075
254  VLAMINCK de Maurice (1876-1958)               7,420,280   169    750,398
255  AUERBACH Tauba (1981)                         7,299,705   23   1,900,000
256  SCULLY Sean (1945)                            7,291,971   49   1,105,106
257  MOTHERWELL Robert (1915-1991)                 7,255,858  156   2,250,000
258  PAN Yuliang (1895-1977)                       7,179,153   11   3,870,351
259  POLIAKOFF Serge (1900-1969)                   7,174,640  144     560,790
260  ARP Hans (1886-1966)                          7,147,467  118   2,638,565
261  HASSAM Childe (1859-1935)                     7,068,403   33   3,000,000
262  ZHAO Zhiqian (1829-1884)                      7,060,825   66   1,160,099
263  HERGE (1907-1983)                             7,051,658   60   3,089,233
264  ALBERS Josef (1888-1976)                      7,013,656  137   1,353,082
265  TIAN Liming (1955)                            6,999,979   95     315,900
266  EMPEROR KANGXI (1654-1722)                    6,937,669   14   3,258,000
267  HOMER Winslow (1836-1910)                     6,867,300   12   3,900,000
268  SHI Lu (1919-1982)                            6,852,847   49   1,021,230
269  EMIN Tracey (1963)                            6,821,031   52   3,751,660
270  SOROLLAYBASTIDA Joaquin (1863-1923)           6,803,763   16    3,131,600
271  TIAN Shiguang (1916-1999)                     6,803,606   123    781,920
272  KAWARA On (1932)                              6,800,927   16   3,600,000
273  RIOPELLE Jean-Paul (1923-2002)                6,759,469   72   1,013,760
274  PECHSTEIN Hermann Max (1881-1955)             6,682,121  126   3,063,060
275  MEHTA Tyeb (1925-2009)                        6,650,686   6   2,421,000
276  CHOU Ying (1493-1560)                         6,632,784  50   1,823,360
277  AIVAZOVSKY Ivan Constantinovich (1817-1900)   6,606,006  33   2,346,820
278  RUBY Sterling (1972)                          6,603,261  25   1,449,505
279  DING Yanyong (1902-1978)                      6,584,807  181    592,939
280  MARTIN Agnes (1912-2004)                      6,535,790    8   3,200,000
281  ROSENQUIST James (1933)                       6,510,734  103  2,800,000
282  OEHLEN Albert (1954)                          6,480,901  28   1,534,770
283  COLEN Dan (1979)                              6,476,100  29   2,600,000
284  VELDE van de Willem II (1633-1707)            6,465,238  16   2,978,440
285  VERESCAGIN Vasilij Vasilevic (1842-1904)      6,385,195   6   5,364,160
286  MORAN DI Giorgio (1890-1964)                  6,372,175  65     992,806
287  HAMMONS David (1943)                          6,357,070  11   3,000,000
288  STUART Gilbert (1755-1828)                    6,334,528   6   6,166,080
289  SAGE Kay (1898-1963)                          6,304,747   3   6,197,040
290  FOUJITA Tsuguharu (1886-1968)                 6,293,422  362   1,630,800
291  GUO Moruo (1892-1978)                         6,218,480   61   1,102,280
292  MEHRETU Julie (1970)                          6,161,588   22   1,500,000
293  VALLOTTON Felix (1865-1925)                   6,154,698   61   1,553,850
294  XU Bing (1955)                                6,130,422   30   1,167,120
295  ANKER Albert (1831-1910)                      6,118,614   78   1,455,480
296  CONDO George (1957)                           6,094,017    52    693,042
297  SHEN Zhou (1427-1509)                         6,066,002   28   1,798,500
298  ROSSETTI Dante Gabriel (1828-1882)            6,048,818   15   3,914,500
299  SHEN Yinmo (1883-1971)                        6,003,213  185   1,218,750
300  WYETH Newell Convers (1882-1945)              5,962,000   20   1,000,000

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301  BOUCHER Francois (1703-1770)                  5,863,098    31    2,000,000
302  BUGATTI Rembrandt (1884-1916)                 5,858,575    18    1,327,326
303  YUE Minjun (1962)                             5,851,974    22    1,296,800
304  FLAVIN Dan (1933-1996)                        5,849,846    23    2,600,000
305  ANNENKOFF Youri Pavlovitch (1889-1974)        5,822,256    35    5,481,700
306  ZHAO Shao'Ang (1905-1998)                     5,809,681   247      259,520
307  DYCK van Anthonius (1599-1641)                5,771,987     8    3,919,000
308  HOPPER Edward (1882-1967)                     5,734,360   18    1,450,000
309  XUE Liang (1956)                              5,717,377   95    1,103,640
310  GORMLEY Antony (1950)                         5,714,923   38    1,688,400
311  VASARELY Victor (1906-1997)                   5,702,366   643     320,000
312  RICHIER Germaine (1904-1959)                  5,688,593   30    1,906,100
313  RI LEY Bridget (1931)                         5,673,363   58    4,125,249
314  PENN Irving (1917-2009)                       5,664,804   134     389,338
315  REMINGTON Frederic Sackrider (1861-1909)      5,581,704    47   1,500,000
316  CHEONG Soo Pieng (1917-1983)                  5,566,836    55     631,609
317  VUILLARD Edouard (1868-1940)                  5,557,901    57   2,900,000
318  LENTULOV Aristarkh Vasilievic (1882-1943)     5,556,863     3   3,017,340
319  CLAUDEL Camille (1864-1943)                   5,542,392   10    2,661,330
320  LEWITT Sol (1928-2007)                        5,542,159   197    620,000
321  TAPIES Antoni (1923-2012)                     5,510,249  361   2,387,420
322  MANRAY (1890-1976)                            5,507,540   385    400,000
323  ZHANG Ruitu (1570-1641)                       5,495,433    30    761,870
324  GIAMBOLOGNA (c.1529-1608)                     5,481,280    1    5,481,280
325  CAVAROZZI Bartolomeo (c.1590-1625)            5,480,960    1   5,480,960
326  STURTEVANT Elaine (1930-2014)                 5,464,894   12   2,900,000
327  SMART Frank Jeffrey Edson (1921-2013)         5,462,598   33     961,103
328  CHEN Hongshou (1598-1652)                     5,458,659   20   1,945,200
329  REN Zhong (1976)                              5,452,237   56     423,540
330  MATTA Roberto (1911-2002)                     5,425,650  153     570,780
331  ZHU Qizhan (1892-1996)                        5,417,335  209     260,000
332  ZHAO Puchu (1907-2000)                        5,382,881   175    486,300
333  BANK SY (1974)                                5,380,045   116    959,819
334  MANGOLD Robert (1937)                         5,345,821    58    800,000
335  BOSSCHAERT Ambrosius I (1573-1621)            5,334,160     2  4,000,000
336  WANG Jian (1598-1677)                         5,309,438    23  3,811,700
337  LAM Wifredo (1902-1982)                       5,302,834   100    600,000
338  PIENE Otto (1928-2014)                        5,284,162   213    480,390
339  YANG Shanshen (1913-2004)                     5,279,455   184  1,427,360
340  NAUMAN Bruce (1941)                           5,222,457    40  1,700,000
341  KANG Youwei (1858-1927)                       5,199,080    113   324,200
342  BRADLEY Joe (1975)                            5,192,688    10   1,305,768
343  GU Wenda (1955)                               5,179,178    42   1,119,180
344  BOUDIN Eugene (1824-1898)                     5,172,981    104    600,000
345  LIU Ye (1964)                                 5,117,193    34     891,550
346  GRECO EL Dom. Theotokopoulos (1541-1614)      5,100,000     1   5,100,000
347  VENTURA Ronald (1973)                         5,097,987    29     838,500
348  HARTUNG Hans (1904-1989)                      5,015,532   240     857,682
349  SPENCER Stanley (1891-1959)                   5,014,671    20   4,336,275
350  CARRA Carlo (1881-1966)                       4,999,735    21   4,422,600

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351  PU Guang (XIII -XIV)                          4,944,050     1   4,944,050
352  HE Shaoji (1799-1873)                         4,912,933   136     747,500
353  COORTE Adriaen (c.1660-c.1723)                4,908,450    2    4,708,800
354  SOTO Jesus Rafael (1923-2005)                 4,906,306    121    525,000
355  LIU Jiyou (1918-1983)                         4,891,144    108    399,595
356  REMBRANDT VAN RIJN (1606-1669)                4,885,402    440    536,688
357  GHENIE Adrian (1977)                          4,862,652     12  2,045,760
358  CHEN Dayu (1912-2001)                         4,855,807    247    454,160
359  CHILLIDA Eduardo (1924-2002)                  4,823,521    161  1,155,070
360  ENSOR James (1860-1949)                       4,814,933    294    714,966
361  GRIMSHAW John Atkinson (1836-1893)            4,811,754    18     751,584
362  DELVAUX Paul (1897-1994)                      4,805,229   124  2,784,600
363  CHRISTO (1935)                                4,800,793   297     498,480
364  LALANNE Francois-Xavier (1927-2008)           4,798,613    39     621,950
365  SHI Tao (1642-1707)                           4,796,775    27   2,269,400
366  HARRIS Lawren Stewart H. (1885-1970)          4,781,163    8    1,933,260
367  QUINN Marc (1964)                             4,779,987   48   1,100,000
368  ZHU Meicun (1911-1993)                        4,776,671   117    570,150
369  JIA Aili (1979)                               4,758,253     8   1,262,240
370  XI Dejin (1923-1981)                          4,740,558    89     227,080
371  AMIET Cuno (1868-1961)                        4,737,411    136    670,680
372  SCARPITTA Salvatore (1919-2007)               4,721,787    16   1,200,000
373  SHEN Peng (1931)                              4,670,229   160     701,330
374  AI Weiwei (1957)                              4,663,696    32     966,749
375  XU Lele (1955)                                4,628,253   155     210,730
376  LIEBERMANN Max (1847-1935)                    4,627,078   149   1,223,100
377  GOLTZIUS Hendrick (1558-1617)                 4,619,842    53   3,939,670
378  LIPCHITZ Jacques (1891-1973)                  4,610,254    25   1,800,000
379  PARRISH Maxfield Frederick (1870-1966)        4,589,371    19   3,000,000
380  KOUNELLIS Jannis (1936)                       4,544,843    37   1,722,735
381  ZORN Anders Leonard (1860-1920)               4,537,219   200   1,794,000
382  GOTTLIEB Adolph (1903-1974)                   4,534,316    31   1,800,000
383  YE Qianyu (1907-1995)                         4,530,685   118     356,620
384  PICABIA Francis (1879-1953)                   4,520,069    64   1,174,176
385  ANATSUI El (1944)                             4,517,120    10   1,200,000
386  TIEPOLO Giovanni Domenico (1727-1804)         4,517,066    36   3,100,000
387  MUNOZ Juan (1953-2001)                        4,512,835    11   3,184,800
388  SMITH David (1906-1965)                       4,511,800     7   2,500,000
389  ZHU Yunming (1460-1526)                       4,462,454    14   1,629,000
390  SCHEGGI Paolo (1940-1971)                     4,444,290    23     674,581
391  NETSCHER Caspar (1635/39-1684)                4,441,804    5    4,400,000
392  MUNNINGS Alfred James (1878-1959)             4,427,134    29   1,850,000
393  LI Jin (1958)                                 4,372,647    94     212,160
394  ZHAN Wang (1962)                              4,360,124    13   2,709,000
395  FANG Chuxiong (1950)                          4,355,333   148     262,080
396  TIEPOLO Giovanni Battista (1696-1770)         4,339,805    45   3,857,950
397  LU Yushun (1962)                              4,336,840    61    884,520
398  HUNT William Holman (1827-1910)               4,310,067    4   4,245,000
399  CHEN Wenxi (1906-1991)                        4,242,709   71   1,095,650
400  TOULOUSE-LAUTREC de Henri (1864-1901)         4,240,018   252    760,265

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401  SAVILLE Jenny (1970)                          4,228,890    4    2,970,180
402  CHENG Conglin (1954)                          4,177,932    3    4,052,500
403  MARIESCHI Michele Giovanni (1696/1710-1743)   4,167,589    8    3,254,320
404  TAO Lengyue (1895-1985)                       4,141,462   138    457,240
405  HE Duoling (1948)                             4,131,489   12    1,419,000
406  KISLING Moise (1891-1953)                     4,112,484   70     363,316
407  CAILLEBOTTE Gustave (1848-1894)               4,107,720    5   1,467,720
408  HANTAI Simon (1922-2008)                      4,105,139   19   2,114,630
409  LONG Rui (1946)                               4,047,039   66    956,980
410  ARMAN Fernandez (1928-2005)                   4,037,285  425    117,028
411  LEMA YEUR DE MER PRES Adrien Jean (1880-1958) 4,026,595    45    850,739
412  MUNTER Gabriele (1877-1962)                   4,022,639    28    814,176
413  CHADWICK Lynn Russell (1914-2003)             4,014,167    78  1,445,425
414  FORG Gunther (1952-2013)                      4,008,736    133   308,304
415  MURAKAMI Takashi (1962)                       4,003,340   343   1,034,551
416  LU Yifei (1908-1997)                          3,995,369   121    791,293
417  MENZEL von Adolph (1815-1905)                 3,983,246   38   3,483,480
418  VALTAT Louis (1869-1952)                      3,956,926   127    258,685
419  KATZ Alex (1927)                              3,955,397   150    470,000
420  KUZNETSOV Pavel Varfolomeevich (1878-1968)    3,944,844    4   3,418,041
421  MARTIN Henri (1860-1943)                      3,941,492    30    520,000
422  VALDES Manolo (1942)                          3,929,743    46    350,000
423  RAUCH Neo (1960)                              3,889,711   22   1,452,088
424  TERPNING Howard A. (1927)                     3,858,580   18   1,300,000
425  ZHANG Shanzi (1882-1940)                      3,840,085    90    324,200
426  WESTON Edward Henry (1886-1958)               3,802,863    82    750,000
427  OCHTERVELT Jacob (c.1634-1708/10)             3,800,000    1   3,800,000
428  WANG Guangyi (1957)                           3,799,843   37   1,167,120
429  GAITONDE Vasudeo. S. (1924-2001)              3,799,700    4   2,100,000
430  WEI Zixi (1915-2002)                          3,791,768   120    235,190
431  GOYEN van Jan Jozefsz. (1596-1656)            3,789,347   29   1,200,000
432  YUN Shouping (1633-1690)                      3,784,559    78    541,800
433  CHANN George (1913-1995)                      3,774,643    57    335,400
434  BLUEMNER Oscar Florianus (1867-1938)          3,762,170    13  3,200,000
435  VARO Remedios Lizarraga (1908-1963)           3,747,642    2   3,700,000
436  LARIONOV Mikhail (1881-1964)                  3,737,699   16   2,682,080
437  PAN Gongkai (1947)                            3,737,332   16   2,141,040
438  MASRIADII Nyoman (1973)                       3,729,217   16     567,160
439  VAREJAO Adriana (1964)                        3,725,662    7     800,650
440  BOTTICELLI Sandro (c.1445-1510)               3,720,075    3   1,884,080
441  CRUZ-DIEZ Carlos (1923)                       3,718,605    60    420,000
442  MACKE August (1887-1914)                      3,703,536   32   1,850,400
443  SHA Menghai (1900-1992)                       3,702,566   132    293,940
444  FRANKENTHALER Helen (1928-2011)               3,698,590    73    720,000
445  STERN Irma (1894-1966)                        3,689,564    19  1,495,170
446  HUANG Shen (1687-c.1773)                      3,685,764    49    425,100
447  HEMESSEN van Jan Sanders (1500/04-1566/75)    3,682,520    2   2,569,200
448  HOFMANN Hans (1880-1966)                      3,681,690   26   2,000,000
449  PROVOST Jan (c.1465-1529)                     3,680,012    2    3,100,000
450  LIN Yong (1942)                               3,650,618   117    259,360

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451  KERTON Sudjana (1922-1994)                    3,649,947    11   1,417,899
452  JORN Asger (1914-1973)                        3,643,315    133    324,818
453  BURRA Edward (1905-1976)                      3,642,410    22   1,142,740
454  KELLEY Mike (1954-2012)                       3,636,635    23   1,600,000
455  TENIERS David II (1610-1690)                  3,632,938    21     750,000
456  LIAO Chi-Chun (1902-1976)                     3,625,280    9    1,252,033
457  LONGO Robert (1953)                           3,612,556    98     513,840
458  PASSANTE Bartolomeo (1618-1648)               3,599,190    1    3,599,190
459  BALLA Giacomo (1871-1958)                     3,588,365    54     769,680
460  COURBET Gustave (1819-1877)                   3,578,125    24     700,000
461  LI Shan (1686-1760)                           3,569,789    38     652,800
462  LAN Ying (1585-c.1664)                        3,562,896    42     438,210
463  SUGIMOTO Hiroshi (1948)                       3,542,833    95     520,000
464  YANG Zhiguang (1930)                          3,525,002   119     195,840
465  INGRES Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867)     3,508,968    26   1,386,180
466  PEPLOE Samuel John (1871-1935)                3,501,514    13   1,275,375
467  KIM Tschang-Yeul (1929)                       3,498,988    42     451,149
468  ZHANG Enli (1965)                             3,497,596    12     708,949
469  GHEYN de Jacques II (1565-1629)               3,491,701    19   1,627,255
470  LEBASQUE Henri Baptiste (1865-1937)           3,472,758    64     391,512
471  YANG Feiyun (1954)                            3,467,338    14     734,400
472  ZHOU Jingxin (1959)                           3,445,045   113     519,040
473  TORRES GAR CIA Joaquin (1874-1949)            3,411,455    20   1,300,000
474  FRINK Elisabeth (1930-1993)                   3,409,773    67   1,530,450
475  JIANG Hanting (1904-1963)                     3,408,711   125     300,625
476  WANG Ziwu (1936)                              3,404,947    51     653,200
477  KA WS (1974)                                  3,396,906    56     351,934
478  LE PHO (1907-2001)                            3,396,747    96     696,059
479  LIU Yi (1957)                                 3,370,316    20     615,980
480  ADAMS Ansel Easton (1902-1984)                3,353,714   140     450,000
481  NI Yuanlu (1593-1644)                         3,350,382    10   1,100,000
482  BENTON Thomas Hart (1889-1975)                3,349,054   137     850,000
483  LESIDANER Henri (1862-1939)                   3,340,698    31     700,000
484  ARCHIPENK O Alexander (1887-1964)             3,335,600    33   1,400,000
485  GERICAULT Theodore (1791-1824)                3,322,551    29   1,158,223
486  VERBEECK Frans (?-1570)                       3,320,200    1    3,320,200
487  POMODORO Arnaldo (1926)                       3,319,259    66     509,568
488  RIVERA Diego (1886-1957)                      3,316,561    43     780,000
489  FA Ruozhen (1613-1696)                        3,309,474     6   3,031,270
490  NISSKIJ Georgij Grigor'evic (1903-1987)       3,302,214     4   2,514,450
491  MATHIEU Georges (1921-2012)                   3,289,730    94     174,468
492  CHIU Ya Tsai (1949-2013)                      3,288,319    53     180,459
493  MIKLOS Gustave (1888-1967)                    3,287,953    16     936,899
494  MACK Heinz (1931)                             3,285,640   157     500,000
495  ASAWA Ruth (1926-2013)                        3,280,850    13   1,144,000
496  HUSAIN Maqbool Fida (1915-2011)               3,275,069    54     318,953
497  SMITH Lucien (1989)                           3,267,887    43     304,010
498  WEN Jia (1501-1583)                           3,261,051    17   1,986,160
499  OLIVIER Friedrich (1791-1859)                 3,249,008     2   3,247,920
500  WU Dayu (1903-1988)                           3,248,689     9     772,800

資料來源: 法國 Artprice.com S.A. 2014 年全世界藝術市場報告書第 84-93 頁 2014 年全世界拍賣總收入結果前 500 名畫家.

Source: The Art Market in 2014 Page 84-93 Top 500 artists by auction revenue in 2014 by Artprice.com S.A.

99 Paintings 書畫 12 Antiques 古董

99 Fine Chinese Paintings and 12 Antiques in 2013
2013 年 99 幅中國書畫及 12 件古董精品

Chinese Painters 中國畫家:

(1) 張大千 Zhang Daqian 张大千 (32 幅/pcs)
(2) 齊白石 Qi Baishi 齐白石 (10 幅/pcs)
(3) 徐悲鴻 Xu Beihong 徐悲鸿 (8 幅/pcs)
(4) 吳冠中 Wu Guanzhong 吴冠中 (7 幅/pcs)
(5) 傅抱石 Fu Baoshi 傅抱石 (3 幅/pcs)
(6) 李可染 Li Keran 李可染 (1 幅/pc)
(7) 陸儼少 Lu Yanshao 陆俨少 (1 幅/pc)
(8) 黃冑 Huang Zhou 黃冑 (1 幅/pc)
(9) 黃賓虹 Huang Binhong 黄宾虹 (3 幅/pcs)
(10) 吳昌碩 Wu Changshuo 吴昌硕 (1 幅/pc)
(11) 林風眠 Lin Fengmian 林风眠 (4 幅/pcs)
(12) 吳湖帆 Wu Hufan 吴湖帆 (4 幅/pcs)
(13) 謝稚柳 Xie Zhiliu 谢稚柳 (1 幅/pc)
(14) 黃君璧 Huang Junbi 黄君璧 (2 幅/pc)
(15) 愛新覺羅 溥儒 Pu Ru 溥心畬 Pu Xinyu (1 幅/pc)
(16) 唐雲 Tang Yun 唐云 (1 幅/pc)
(17) 趙少昂 Zhao Shao’Ang 赵少昂 (3 幅/pcs)
(18) 何海霞 He Haixia 何海霞 (1 幅/pc)
(19) 關山月 Guan Shanyue 关山月 (1 幅/pc)
(20) 豐子愷 Feng Zikai 丰子恺 (1 幅/pc)
(21) 顏伯龍 Yan Bolong 颜伯龙 (4 幅/pcs)
(22) 愛新覺羅溥佐 Aisin Gioro Pu Zuo (1 幅/pc)
(23) 高逸鴻 Gao Yihong 高逸鸿 (1 幅/pc)
(24) 田世光 Tian Shiguang 田世光 (1 幅/pc)
(25) 袁松年 Yuan Songnian 袁松年 (1 幅/pc)
(26) 高奇峰 Gao Qifeng 高奇峰 (1 幅/pc)
(27) 陳之佛 Chen Zhifo 陈之佛 (1 幅/pc)
(28) 陳半丁 Chen Banding 陈半丁 (1 幅/pc)
(29) 馮超然 Feng Chaoran 冯超然 (1 幅/pc)
(30) 鄭板橋 Zheng Banqiao 郑板桥 (1 幅/pc)

Works of Art 藝術品:

(1) 古董 Antiques (2 件/pcs)
(2) 玉 Jades (8 件/pcs)
(3) 羊脂白玉 Mutton Fat White Jades (2 件/pcs)

99 Paintings 書畫 12 Antiques 古董

Works of Art List 藝術作品名錄

Paintings 書畫作品

Chinese Painters 中國畫家:

(1) 張大千 Zhang Daqian 张大千 (32 幅/pcs)

1. Zhang Daqian Happy Birthday to Chairman Chang Kaishek of the Government inscribed by Yu Youren 張大千作于右任題大觀高仕祝壽圖手卷
2. Zhang Daqian After the Rising and Warm Green Mountains by Huang Gongwang with Calligraphy 張大千作擬元代黃公望浮巒暖翠山水圖及書法立軸
3. Zhang Daqian Splashed Landscape Fuchun Mountain 張大千作富春山居潑彩山水圖
4. Zhang Daqian Mountain Emei May Be Crossed On Top 張大千作可以橫絕峨嵋巔潑彩山水圖
5. Zhang Daqian A Bird’s-eye View on Taiwan Cross-Island Road near Herhuan 張大千作台灣橫貫公路合歡山鳥瞰金碧潑彩山水圖
6. Zhang Daqian 18 Luohan Disciples Appointed to Witness to Buddhist Truth handscroll 張大千作十八羅漢圖手卷
7. Zhang Daqian The Dreamland of Mountain Qingcheng in Heavenly Place 張大千作夢入靑城天下幽人間仙境圖
8. Zhang Daqian The Heavenly Place in Mankind World 張大千作人家在仙堂潑彩山水圖
9. Zhang Daqian Sun is Rising and Darkness is Fallen allover the Mountain with Calligraphy 張大千作天開影墮潑彩山水圖及書法對聯
10. Zhang Daqian Painting the Elder Bintourlu after Technique of Song Dynasty 張大千作倣宋人畫賓頭盧尊者像
11. Zhang Daqian Listening to the Springs below the Mountains handscroll 張大千作山水生風聽泉入山麓金碧潑彩山水圖手卷
12. Zhang Daqian Waterfall in a Quiet Mountain Valley with Calligraphy 張大千作幽谷飛瀑潑彩山水圖及書法對聯
13. Zhang Daqian Recalling the Beautiful Scenery of Mountain Huang in China 張大千作遙思黃山故景潑彩山水圖
14. Zhang Daqian Splashed Colour Landscape of Beautiful Mountain Qingcheng 張大千作青城天下幽潑彩山水圖
15. Zhang Daqian Golden Outline Red Lotus and a Flying Bird 張大千作香清鈎金紅荷翔鳥圖
16. Zhang Daqian One Flower in One World White Lotus and attached calligraphy 張大千作一花一世界白荷花圖及書法立軸
17. Zhang Daqian Lady with a Fan Bamboos Parrot Hairpin in Tang’s Clothes 張大千作仿莫高窟初唐人衣飾鸚鵡簪髮飾新篁紈扇仕女圖
18. Zhang Daqian Beauty in Red Hair-kerchief Wooden Shoes White Robe Bamboos 張大千作脩竹紅髮巾木屐白袍裸肩日本美女圖
19. Zhang Daqian Han Changli Composed a Lyric Poem Derived from Chu Dynasty 張大千作韓昌黎作楚語圖
20. Zhang Daqian Scholars Appreciating Maples 張大千作高仕賞楓圖
21. Zhang Daqian Black Cloud Covering on Top of Mt. Emei among Blue Cloud 張大千作可以橫絕峨眉巔黑雲滿布山頂藍雲環繞山間奇景潑墨兼潑彩山水圖
22. Zhang Daqian Dwelling in the Mountain by the Lake Wuting 張大千作五亭湖上山居潑彩山水圖
23. Zhang Daqian Spring Cloud and Morning Mist dated 1979 張大千1979年作春雲曉靄潑彩山水圖
24. Zhang Daqian Spring Cloud and Morning Mist dated 1965 張大千1965年作春雲曉靄潑彩山水圖
25. Zhang Daqian Impressionistic Red Lotus 張大千作寫意紅荷圖
26. Zhang Daqian Golden Outlined Red Lotus and Double Mandarin Ducks 張大千作愛清氣鈎金紅荷花鴛鴦嘉耦潑彩圖
27. Zhang Daqian High Mountain and Deep Cloud 張大千作山高雲深山水圖
28. Zhang Daqian Golden Outlined Landscape 張大千作金碧山水圖
29. Zhang Daqian Lady with a Fan and Bamboos in Splashed Colors 張大千作潑彩竹葉紈扇仕女圖
30. Zhang Daqian Seven Character Calligraphy Couplet 張大千作七言書法對聯
31. Zhang Daqian Six Character Calligraphy Couplet 張大千作六言書法對聯
32. Zhang Daqian Splashed Color Golden Outlined Red Lotus on Gold Sheet 張大千作金箋潑彩描金紅荷花圖

(2) 齊白石 Qi Baishi 齐白石 (10 幅/pcs)

1. Qi Baishi Lotus Fish Frogs Shrimps and Crabs handscroll inscribed by Zhang Daqian 齊白石作張大千題香清荷花魚蛙蝦蟹圖手卷
2. Qi Baishi The Ten Elder Men in the Legend of China 齊白石作十全老人神賢圖
3. Qi Baishi Lotus Double Mandarin Ducks and Love Shrimps 齊白石作荷花鴛鴦雙蝦佳偶圖
4. Qi Baishi Wealth and Powerful Honour are Both to Come 齊白石作富貴有期圖
5. Qi Baishi Lotus and Shrimps 齊白石作荷花群蝦圖
6. Qi Baishi A Lotus Pond and Shrimps 齊白石作荷花池塘群蝦圖
7. Qi Baishi A Spring Voice and Great Luck 齊白石作春聲大吉圖
8. Qi Baishi Eagle Perching on the Pine 齊白石作松鷹圖
9. Qi Baishi Prolonging Life Impressionistic Squirrel on Pine Red Peach Double Screens 齊白石作寫意松樹上松鼠與紅桃益壽圖對屏

(3) 徐悲鴻 Xu Beihong 徐悲鸿 (8 幅/pcs)

1. Xu Beihong The Hard Water Drawing of the People Lived in Chongqing handscroll inscribed by Zhang Daqian 徐悲鴻作張大千題巴人汲水圖手卷
2. Xu Beihong Jiufang Gao People in the Chinese Ancient Historical Poem 徐悲鴻作九方皋圖
3. Xu Beihong People in Chinese Ancient Historical Poem of Six Dynasties 徐悲鴻作六朝人詩意圖
4. Xu Beihong China the Wounded Lion Sat Watching American Flying Tiger 徐悲鴻作中國負傷之獅遙望美國飛虎飛將軍
5. Xu Beihong Lions and Snake 徐悲鴻作獅與蛇
6. Xu Beihong The Single Flying Eagle and the Lion 徐悲鴻作獨飛老鷹與獅子圖
7. Xu Beihong Lion and Eagle 徐悲鴻作獅子老鷹圖
8. Xu Beihong Prolonging Life Auspicious Cranes Ganoderma Lucidum Fungus 徐悲鴻作祥鶴靈芝延年益壽圖

(4) 吳冠中 Wu Guanzhong 吴冠中 (7 幅/pcs)

1. Wu Guanzhong The People Live in Mali Village 吳冠中作馬里村頭人物風景圖
2. Wu Guanzhong The Dwellings by the River and Mountain in Southern China 吳冠中作江南民居風景圖
3. Wu Guanzhong The Lion Grove Garden (Lion Woods) 吳冠中作獅子林
4. Wu Guanzhong The Wu Gorge 吳冠中作巫峽魂
5. Wu Guanzhong Rocks by the Sea 吳冠中作海滨石
6. Wu Guanzhong The Single-Log Bridge 吳冠中作獨木橋
7. Wu Guanzhong Expressionistic Lotus 吳冠中作表現主義的荷花

(5) 傅抱石 Fu Baoshi 傅抱石 (3 幅/pcs)

1. Fu Baoshi Hwan Shyua Showed Painting to Guests in East Jin Dynasty handscroll inscribed by Yu Youren 傅抱石作于右任題詩入畫中桓玄出畫圖手卷
2. Fu Baoshi The Nine Elders of the Poetry by Bai Juyi in Tang Dynasty handscroll inscribed by Xu Beihong 傅抱石作徐悲鴻題元氣淋漓九老圖手卷
3. Fu Baoshi Premier Xie An Brought Beauties to the East Shan Mountain handscroll inscribed by Xie Zhiliu 傅抱石作謝稚柳題春風綠揚東山攜妓圖手卷

(6) 李可染 Li Keran 李可染 (1 幅/pc)

1. Li Keran The Landscape of River Li being Well-known Forever 李可染作漓江山水傳千古圖

(7) 陸儼少 Lu Yanshao 陆俨少 (1 幅/pc)

1. Lu Yanshao Spring and Rocks Landscape of Mountain Yandang 陸儼少作雁蕩泉石山水圖

(8) 黃冑 Huang Zhou 黃冑 (1 幅/pc)

1. Huang Zhou The Children and Father Sitting on the Back of Camels 黃冑作駱駝背上的小學生與父親

(9) 黃賓虹 Huang Binhong 黄宾虹 (3 幅/pcs)

1. Huang Binhong Landscape 黃賓虹作山水圖
2. Huang Binhong Landscape Hanging Scroll (1) 黃賓虹作山水圖立軸(1)
3. Huang Binhong Landscape Hanging Scroll (2) 黃賓虹作山水圖立軸(2)

(10) 吳昌碩 Wu Changshuo 吴昌硕 (1 幅/pc)

1. Wu Changshuo Annual Purely Floral and Fruity Tributes 吳昌碩作歲朝清供圖

(11) 林風眠 Lin Fengmian 林风眠 (4 幅/pcs)

1. Lin Fengmian Five Naked Ladies 林風眠作五裸女圖
2. Lin Fengmian Two Beautiful Ladies and the Vase 林風眠作二美與花瓶圖
3. Lin Fengmian Three Beautiful Ladies and the Vase 林風眠作三美與花瓶圖
4. Lin Fengmian Court Ladies and the Vase 林風眠作宮女與花瓶圖

(12) 吳湖帆 Wu Hufan 吴湖帆 (4 幅/pcs)

1. Wu Hufan Dwelling in the Mountains handscroll inscribed by Xie Zhiliu 吳湖帆作謝稚柳題春風綠揚枝山居圖手卷
2. Wu Hufan Dwelling in the Mountains 吳湖帆作山居圖
3. Wu Hufan Landscape after Zhao Mengfu 吳湖帆作擬趙孟頫山水圖
4. Wu Hufan Seven Character Calligraphy Couplet 吳湖帆作七言書法對聯

(13) 謝稚柳 Xie Zhiliu 谢稚柳 (1 幅/pc)

1. Xie Zhiliu Landscape in Windy Spirit 謝稚柳作生風抖擻山水圖

(14) 黃君璧 Huang Junbi 黄君璧 (2 幅/pc)

1. Huang Junbi High Mountains and Flowing Waters Landscape 黃君璧作高山流水山水圖 (鏡片 mounted)
2. Huang Junbi High Mountains and Flowing Waters Landscape 黃君璧作高山流水山水圖 (立軸 hanging scroll)

(15) 愛新覺羅 溥儒 Pu Ru 溥心畬 Pu Xinyu (1 幅/pc)

1. Pu Ru Green Mountain and White Cloud handscroll inscribed by Zhang Daqian 溥儒作張大千題青山白雲山水圖手卷

(16) 唐雲 Tang Yun 唐云 (1 幅/pc)

1. Tang Yun Birds and Flowers 唐雲作花鳥圖

(17) 趙少昂 Zhao Shao’Ang 赵少昂 (3 幅/pcs)

1. Zhao Shao’Ang Flowers and Bird Double Screen 趙少昂作花鳥圖對屏
2. Zhao Shao’Ang Tall Willow Tree Morning Cicada Bamboos and Little Bird 趙少昂作高柳曉蟬竹葉小鳥圖

(18) 何海霞 He Haixia 何海霞 (1 幅/pc)

1. He Haixia Landscape 何海霞作山水圖

(19) 關山月 Guan Shanyue 关山月 (1 幅/pc)

1. Guan Shanyue Spring is coming to Southern Guangdong Landscape 關山月作春到南粵山水圖

(20) 豐子愷 Feng Zikai 丰子恺 (1 幅/pc)

1. Feng Zikai A Small Table Three Friends and Plum Blossoms 豐子愷作小桌三朋梅花圖

(21) 顏伯龍 Yan Bolong 颜伯龙 (4 幅/pcs)

1. Yan Bolong Colorful Birds Flowers and Plants Four Screens 顏伯龍作彩鳥與花草小樹圖四條屏

(22) 愛新覺羅溥佐 Aisin Gioro Pu Zuo (1 幅/pc)

1. Aisin Gioro Pu Zuo Two Beautiful Horses 愛新覺羅溥佐作雙駿馬圖

(23) 高逸鴻 Gao Yihong 高逸鸿 (1 幅/pc)

1. Gao Yihong Beautiful Flowers Attracting Bees 高逸鴻作群花爭艷招蜂圖

(24) 田世光 Tian Shiguang 田世光 (1 幅/pc)

1. Tian Shiguang Flowers and Birds 田世光作花鳥圖

(25) 袁松年 Yuan Songnian 袁松年 (1 幅/pc)

1. Yuan Songnian Landscape 袁松年作山水圖

(26) 高奇峰 Gao Qifeng 高奇峰 (1 幅/pc)

1. Gao Qifeng Flowers and Bamboos 高奇峰作花竹圖

(27) 陳之佛 Chen Zhifo 陈之佛 (1 幅/pc)

1. Chen Zhifo Wild Geese under Willow Shadow 陳之佛作柳蔭雁鴨圖

(28) 陳半丁 Chen Banding 陈半丁 (1 幅/pc)

1. Chen Banding Flowers and Birds 陳半丁 ( 陳年 ) 作花鳥圖

(29) 馮超然 Feng Chaoran 冯超然 (1 幅/pc)

1. Feng Chaoran Landscape 馮超然作山水圖

(30) 鄭板橋 Zheng Banqiao 郑板桥 (1 幅/pc)

1. Zheng Banqiao Orchids Bamboos and Rocks 鄭板橋作蘭竹石圖

Works of Art 藝術品:

Antiques 古董

(1) 古董 Antiques (2 件/pcs)

1. A Bronze Money-Shaking Fortune Tree Qing Dynasty China 中國清朝青銅搖錢樹
2. A Gilt-Bronze Guanyin Bodhisattva Figure Tang Dynasty China 中國唐朝銅鎏金觀音菩薩造像

(2) 玉 Jades (8 件/pcs)

1. A White Jade Pig-and-Bird-Winged Dragon Winged Mythical Beast Hongshan Culture China 中國紅山文化古白玉雕豬鳥翼形龍
2. A White Jade Persian Face Elephant Puzzle Han Dynasty China 中國漢朝古玉雕波斯人面大象紋益智拼圖
3. A Green Jade Sword Token of Imperial Authority by Emperor Shang Dynasty China 中國商朝古青玉雕玉劍令牌
4. A Jade Fish Wine-Cup Western Zhou Dynasty China 中國西周古玉雕魚形酒杯
5. A Red Jade Military Token Qing Dynasty China 中國清朝古紅玉雕軍事玉令牌
6. A White Jade Cavalrymen War Horses Halberds of Middle Sizes Militarism Worship Cong of the First Emperor of Qin 中國東周戰國至秦朝時期古白玉雕騎兵戰馬中戟紋秦始皇帝崇武玉琮
7. A Pale Celadon Greenish White Jade Linking Nipple Grain Phoenix Twisted Ropes Heaven Worship Bi of Nation Chu 中國東周戰國時期古青白玉淺浮雕勾連乳丁穀紋鳳紋扭繩紋楚國祭天玉璧
8. A Celadon Green Jade Twisted Ropes Triple Sitting Hornless Dragons Green-Dragon-Son-of-Heaven Pendant 中國西周時期古青玉雕扭繩紋三盤螭龍青龍天子珮

(3) 羊脂白玉 Mutton Fat White Jades (2 件/pcs)

1. A Mutton Fat White Jade Linking Clouds Royal Dragon Pendant Western Han Dynasty China 中國西漢古羊脂白玉透空圓雕勾連雲紋龍形珮
2. A Coincident Carved Khotan Russet Skin Mutton Fat White Jade Sitting Double-humped Camel Western Han Dynasty China 中國西漢和闐黑棗皮古羊脂白玉巧雕坐姿雙峯駱駝

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