2013年12月15日 星期日

大明宣德年製官窯青花團龍鳳紋葵式洗與台北故宮博物院藏大明宣德年製官窯青花團龍鳳紋葵式洗 A Blue and White Five-Claws Dragon and Phoenix Decalobed Waterpot Imperial Palace Workshop Xuande Period Ming Dynasty and the same Waterpot collected in the Taipei National Palace Museum

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A Blue and White Dragon and Phoenix Decalobed Waterpot Xuande Period 大明宣德年製官窯青花團龍鳳紋葵式洗

大明宣德年製官窯青花團龍鳳紋葵式洗與台北故宮博物院藏大明宣德年製官窯青花團龍鳳紋葵式洗 (典藏號: 故瓷 006083N000000000 洗口徑 20.6 x 高 4.8 x 深 3.5 x 足徑 16 公分) 
A Blue and White Five-Claws Dragon and Phoenix Decalobed Waterpot Imperial Palace Workshop Xuande Period Ming Dynasty and the same Waterpot collected in the Taipei National Palace Museum ( Collection No.: NPM Porcelain 006083N000000000 Waterpot Mouth Diameter 20.6 x H 4.8 x D 3.5 x Base-stand Diameter 16 cm )

A Blue and White Five-Claws Dragon and Phoenix Decalobed Waterpot Xuande Period 大明宣德年製官窯青花五爪團龍鳳紋十瓣葵式洗

A Blue and White Five-Claws Dragon and Phoenix Decalobed Waterpot Imperial Palace Workshop Xuande Period (1426 - 1435) Ming Dynasty

A Rare and Fine Blue and White Five-Claws Dragon and Phoenix Decalobed Waterpot Imperial Palace Workshop Xuande Period (1426 - 1435) Six-character Seal-mark Ming Dynasty
罕見精品大明宣德年製 (1426 - 1435) 官窯青花五爪團龍鳳紋十瓣葵式洗

洗口徑 Waterpot Mouth Diameter 21.1 cm x 高 H 6 cm x 深 D 4.1 cm 公分
重量 Weight︰ 796 g 公克
矮十瓣圈足 Short Decalobed Round Base-stand︰足徑 Diameter 16.8 cm 公分
圈足外徑 Outer Decalobed Round Base-stand Diameter 17.4 cm 公分
圈足內徑 Inner Decalobed Round Base-stand Diameter 16.1 cm 公分

Spread Outward Mouth, Shallow Wall, Short Decalobed Round Base-stand. A pair of playing Dragon and Phoenix were painted at the heart center of the waterpot that was made to be inner-convex and outer-concave with Clouds decorated among them at the blank space. The inner wall of the waterpot was glazed with white glaze without totems. The outer wall of the waterpot was painted and decorated with ten pairs of Dragon and Phoenix together with Clouds totems. There were double blue circle lines decorated on the inner and outer wall of the waterpot mouth-edge and the bottom. The waterpot wall and body were all made evenly spread with slightly thicker bottom. The blue and white color was painted dark blue beautifully with different lightness. At the outer bottom of the waterpot a two-vertical-row-six-character Seal-mark “Made in Xuande Years of Great Ming”was inscribed in Chinese standard script of hand-writing with double blue circles surrounded.


1. The porcelain body has the features of Xuande blue and white porcelain: the porcelain body of Xuande blue and white porcelain is designed in regular and generous shape, and had hard and white quality of porcelain.

2. The glaze has also the features of Xuande blue and white porcelain: the glaze of Xuande blue and white porcelain is hyper-thick. It is usually not very flat, like orange peel. The color of glaze has mostly a pale greenish tinge out of white.

3. The color of glaze surface being greenish-white (i.e. the glaze has a pale greenish tinge) proves that it is definitely not modern porcelain: the glaze surface of Xuande blue and white porcelain is greenish-white. The color of glaze surface being greenish-white is owing to the traditional firing method in Ming Dynasty. They mixed glaze with plant and wood ashes and used wood for firewood so as to have produced this effect. The ingredients and firing process of modern porcelain glaze are all different from those in Ming Dynasty. Therefore the glaze surface of modern porcelain has no such a greenish-white color on glaze surface.

4. The Six-character Seal-mark “Made in Xuande Years of Great Ming” in two vertical rows at the outer bottom of the waterpot being inscribed with a missing horizontal cross line in the middle of the Chinese character “de” has proved that it was made by the imperial court-operated kiln (Imperial Palace Workshop) of Xuande blue and white porcelain: the Six-character Seal-mark “Made in Xuande Years of Great Ming” of Xuande blue and white porcelain made by the imperial court-operated kiln was inscribed with a missing horizontal cross line in the middle of the Chinese character “de” in order to respect the Emperor Xuande. This waterpot has exquisite workmanship. Its blue and white color is gorgeous. It is also well-preserved and has become a top grade work of art among those similar artifacts to be handed down to posterity.

5. Tapping the waterpot wall issuing a sonorous and clear metallic sound proves that it is a porcelain product made in Ming Dynasty: tapping the Ming Dynasty porcelain that has high purity of raw materials will issue crisp sound similar to that of metal.

6. The burned splendid heavy blue and white decorations on the glaze surface of the waterpot can be visually seen the little black cobalt material defects spots (i.e. the little black depressed shallow holes on porcelain body with a flash of silver-white tin light) formed by the Sumali-smalt green dyestuff. This proves that it was delicately and finely made by the imperial court-operated kiln (Imperial Palace Workshop) of Xuande blue and white porcelain: Xuande blue and white porcelain was mainly glazed with the Sumali-smalt green dyestuff (i.e. the Sumali-smalt green dyestuff was heavily used in Yongle and Xuande period) that will create a natural misty phenomenon under firing. Because the Sumali-smalt green dyestuff consists of low manganese and high iron ingredients and this will reduce red and purple colors to be shown, so with an appropriate level of firing attainment a splendid heavy green and blue color can be burnt out, such as the blue gloss of a sapphire, with elegant and solemn color, attractively bright-colored surface, and clear structure. However the Sumali-smalt green dyestuff consists of high ingredient of iron element, it will often form some black cobalt material defects spots to be left at the blue and white firing parts. Besides the supply source of imports and its origin of the Sumali-smalt green dyestuff have been unknown in modern times and become untraceable. Its supply can not be obtained. Therefore its usage has become an important research evidence to authenticate the blue and white porcelain products in Ming Dynasty.

1. 瓷胎具備宣德青花瓷之特點: 宜德時期的青花瓷的胎體,器形規整大方,胎質堅硬潔白。

2. 釉面亦具備有宣德青花瓷之特點: 宣德時期釉面的釉子肥厚,不太平整,像橘子皮,釉色大多白中泛青。

3. 釉面青白證明絕非是現代瓷器: 宣德青花瓷的釉面青白,釉面青白為整個明代傳統燒造方法所致,因釉料中摻有草木灰,並用木柴燒,所以會產生這種效果。現代瓷器的釉面成分及燒造工藝都與明代不同,因此釉面無此青白色。

4. 洗底"大明宣德年製"的二直排六字楷書款之"德"字中間少一橫,證明是"官窯"宣德青花瓷: "大明宣德年製"的"官窯"宣德青花瓷,其六字楷書款之"德"字中間少一橫,表示對宣德皇帝的尊敬之意。此洗之製作工藝精湛,青花發色豔麗,保存完好,為傳世同類器物中之上品。

5. 輕叩洗壁發出鏗鏘清脆的金屬聲, 證明是明朝時期瓷器製品: 原料純淨度高的明朝時期瓷器,在輕叩時,會發出類似金屬的清脆聲音。

6. 洗上釉面青花紋飾色澤濃豔之青花燒成部分,可視及其留下“蘇麻離青”鈷料的微小黑疵斑點(即凹陷胎骨並具閃銀白色"錫光"的微小黑色斑點), 證明是明代宣德青花"官窯"的精緻細膩瓷製品: 宣德青花主要是用“蘇麻離青”鈷料(即永樂宣德時期所大量使用的蘇麻離青料),燒造時有其自然的暈散現象。由於蘇麻離青含錳量低、含鐵量高,降低了呈色中的紅、紫色調,在適當的火候下就能燒出濃艷的青藍色,猶如寶石藍一般的光澤,色彩雅致凝重,鮮艷奪目,層次分明。不過由於蘇麻離青料含鐵量高,往往會在青花燒成部分留下一些黑疵斑點,且蘇麻離青料的進口來源及其產地供應,在現代皆已是不可考,也無法取得其貨源,故已成為考證明代青花瓷的重要憑據。

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